CBMA Spotlight Series: Foreign Producers Registration Webinar and Important Information for Importers
Webinar – Walk-through of Foreign Producers Registration System
We are offering a webinar to provide a step-by-step overview of the process for foreign producers to register with TTB for purposes of assigning their tax benefits to importers under the Craft Beverage Modernization Act. The webinar will be provided on two dates, Tuesday, January 24, 2023, from 11 a.m.-noon ET, and Thursday, January 26, 2023, from 3-4 p.m. ET.
For more information on CBMA provisions, see CBMA Imports at TTB.gov.
Importers – Incorrect or Incomplete Data Submitted in ACE May Delay CBMA Importer Claims
Importers should be thinking of the requirements for obtaining a CBMA refund long before submitting a claim. In fact, TTB regulations require that importers submit certain data electronically through ACE at entry or entry summary if they plan to file a CBMA refund claim with TTB. It is very important the submitted data is accurate. Importers will need to correct any inaccurate or incomplete data in ACE in order to streamline TTB’s processing of CBMA import refund claims.
If an importer is unable to make corrections in ACE, the importer’s claim will be handled through a manual data upload process that could extend the time it takes to obtain the tax refund. Our review of 2023 ACE data suggests that importers should pay particular attention to ensuring the accuracy of the Importer Permit Number, Foreign Producer ID, and Import Date.
For the requirements at entry, see CBMA Imports at TTB.gov.
2023 Tax Return and Report Due Dates Now Available
 As a TTB-regulated industry member, you may be responsible for paying federal excise taxes and filing operational reports. Your obligations will depend on your circumstances and business type.
Use our Maintaining Compliance in a TTB-Regulated Industry Tool to help you determine your tax or reporting obligations. See the chart below to view the schedule of due dates for your business situation.
2023 Tax Return and Report Due Dates
Alcohol and Tobacco Excise Tax Returns
Alcohol and Tobacco Operational Reports
Alcohol and Tobacco Export Documentation
Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Returns
SIGN UP to receive automated email reminders when it’s time to file!
ABLA Civil Penalty Adjusted for Inflation
 On Friday, January 13, 2023, we published the latest civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment notification, adjusting the maximum penalty for violations of the Alcoholic Beverage Labeling Act of 1988 (ABLA). Beginning January 14, 2023, the penalty for violations of the ABLA is raised from $22,979 to $24,759, with each day constituting a separate offense.
In general, the ABLA requires a government health warning statement on all containers of alcoholic beverages sold or distributed in the United States, as well as on such containers sold or distributed to the U.S. Armed Forces, including those stationed overseas.
TTB Adds ‘Singani’ to the Distilled Spirits Standards of Identity as a Product of Bolivia
 In a final rule published in the Federal Register on Friday, January 13, 2023, we amended the distilled spirits standards of identity to recognize “Singani” as a type of brandy that is a distinctive product of Bolivia. We had received a petition to do so from the government of Bolivia and a U.S. importer, and we published proposed amendments to its regulations for public comment in 2021.
A standard of identity is used to identify alcohol beverages for purposes of labeling and advertising under TTB regulations. Under the regulations, which are effective February 13, 2023, Singani is brandy derived from grapes, manufactured in Bolivia in accordance with the laws and regulations of Bolivia governing the manufacture of Singani for consumption in that country, and bottled at not less than 40 percent alcohol by volume (80° proof).
Upcoming FAET Presentation at SHOT Show
 We will be giving a 2-hour presentation on the Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) at this year’s SHOT Show in Las Vegas, NV. SHOT Show will be held January 17-20, at the Venetian Expo + Caesars Forum.
The presentation consists of 2 parts: Introduction to FAET and What to Expect on a TTB Audit. It will take place on January 19, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the Venetian, Level 3, Room 3104-3105. If you are attending SHOT Show and wish to attend our FAET presentation, please RSVP to Outreach@ttb.gov.
TTB representatives will be also available at Booth #42351 for the duration of the show. The presentation and the booth are great opportunities for manufacturers and importers to ask questions and get first-hand advice from our FAET experts. We hope to see you there!
TTB Career Opportunity: Auditor (Financial)
 Are you interested in a career at an agency that ranks in the top 10% of Best Places to Work in the Federal Government? If yes, consider applying for this TTB job.