Frequently Asked Question: When are Frozen Dessert Products Containing Spirits Regulated as Alcohol Beverages?
Distilled spirits FAQ S15 describes the criterion we use to make case-by-case determinations on whether or not a frozen product, such as ice cream or ice pops, made with distilled spirits is a nonbeverage product or regulated as beverage alcohol. Evaluation criterion include:
- Alcohol content of the product
- Purpose served by the alcoholic ingredients in the product
- Whether other features of the product’s composition constrain its consumption as a beverage, and other relevant factors
For additional information read Distilled Spirits FAQ S15 on the Distilled Spirits FAQs page.
TTB Boot Camp for Distillers Webinar Series: Labeling
 We have now hosted three of the six modules of our online Boot Camp for Distillers webinar series. If you weren’t able to join the webinars, don’t worry! The slides from the presentations are available on our Presentations page and the recorded webinars will be posted soon on our Training page.
The third module in our online Boot Camp for Distillers webinar series, Labeling, is scheduled for Thursday, November 3, from 2 to 3 p.m. ET. Register now! As always, there is no registration fee for TTB-hosted webinars.
We’re presenting our Boot Camp for Distillers series in 6 modules:
- TTB Basics & Permits – September 22 (view slides)
- Records, Reports, & Returns – October 6 (view slides)
- Formulas – (view slides)
Labeling – November 3 (register now!)
- What to Expect in a Distilled Spirits Plant Product Integrity Investigation
- What to Expect in an Audit
We’ll post the schedule for the other modules on our TTB Outreach page as they are confirmed.
We hope that you will join us for the series!