Spanish-Language Presentation Available on Requirements for Importing Distilled Spirits into the United States
We recently hosted a webinar, Requisitos Para Importar Licores Destilados a los Estados Unidos, to provide Spanish-speaking distilled spirits industry members with a TTB overview, as well as to outline import requirements ranging from labeling to tax rates.
This presentation, and other TTB resources available in Spanish, can be found on our page dedicated to Spanish-speaking industry members: Bienvenidos a TTB en Español.
Open Data at TTB: Public COLA Registry
 We are committed to open and transparent government.
One common request is for listings of approved Certificates of Label Approval (or COLAs). As part of this service, approved COLAs are in viewable and printable electronic format in the Public COLA Registry. These certificates are published and publicly available, and therefore can be accessed without filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
If you would like to download data, including renderings of COLAs and images of the labels from the Public COLA Registry, instructions on how to display COLA detail are available. Detailed instructions on how to save your search results in the Public COLA Registry are also available.