Frequently Asked Question: Can I Buy and Use a Small Still for Home Distilling?
We are often asked whether individuals can produce distilled spirits at home with a small still. Federal law strictly prohibits producing distilled spirits at any place other than a TTB-qualified distilled spirits plant. While individuals of legal drinking age may produce wine or beer at home for personal or family use, under federal law it is illegal to produce distilled spirits at home. However, owning a small still and using it for other purposes is allowed.
A still is defined as an apparatus capable of being used to separate ethyl alcohol from a mixture that contains alcohol. Small stills (with a cubic distilling capacity of a gallon or less) that are used for laboratory purposes or for distilling water or other non-alcoholic materials are exempt from our rules. If you buy a small still and use it to distill water or extract essential oils by steam or water extraction methods, you are not subject to TTB requirements.
However, if you produce essential oils by a solvent method and you get alcohol as a by-product of your process, we consider that distilling. Such activity would subject you to federal laws and regulations related to producing distilled spirits. Further, producing distilled spirits at any place other than a TTB-qualified distilled spirits plant can expose you to potential civil and criminal liability.
Visit our Home Distilling page for more information.