TTB Proposes Changes to Standards of Fill for Wine and Distilled Spirits
As part of our continuing efforts to reduce burden on industry members and barriers to entry, we are proposing to add 10 additional authorized standards of fill for wine, along with related technical and other harmonizing changes.
Also, in line with the Treasury Department’s recommendations in its February 2022 report on competition, we are again considering, as an alternative, eliminating all but a minimum standard of fill for wine containers and all but a minimum and maximum for distilled spirits containers, thus potentially eliminating regulatory requirements, reducing barriers to competition, and providing consumers with broader purchasing options.
Notice No. 210, Standards of Fill for Wine and Distilled Spirits, was published in the Federal Register on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. To view all documents and comments related to this notice of proposed rulemaking, see Docket No. TTB–2022–0004 at Please see Notice No. 210 for complete instructions on how and where to comment.
To comment electronically, use the comment form for this notice. Comments are due by July 25, 2022.