‘Hard Seltzers’ – What are the TTB Rules?
While trade data indicates that products marketed as “hard seltzer” (a term TTB does not define) are slowing down, sales are still growing, and their popularity continues to flourish. Many brewers trying to catch that wave have begun to produce “hard seltzer” products.
If you’re one of those brewers, or plan to become one, you may be interested in the presentation slides from our TTB Bootcamp for Brewers. In them you’ll find relevant information you need to know about how TTB regulates these products.
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Seattle Distillery Settles Tax Liability with $900K Offer in Compromise
 We recently accepted a $900,000 offer in compromise from Sun Liquor MFG, Inc., located in Seattle, Washington. A TTB tax audit disclosed that Sun Liquor allegedly failed to timely file and pay taxes on distilled spirits they produced and sold to airline carriers, which are not eligible for export credit, and they late-filed or failed to file tax returns during the audit period.
If you want to avoid penalties and interest on late filed tax returns, sign up for automated reminders.
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