Opportunity to Comment on TTB Information Collections
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, we periodically solicit public comments on the need for us to collect the information we do (e.g., on forms, recordkeeping and labeling requirements, and surveys), the accuracy of our burden estimates (time, effort, and cost), and on ways to minimize burden on the public.
We are currently seeking comments on 10 existing TTB information collections including:
- Brewer’s Report of Operations and Quarterly Brewer’s Report of Operations (TTB F 5130.9 and TTB F 5130.26);
- Application for Basic Permit under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (TTB F 5100.24);
- Application for Operating Permit under 26 U.S.C. 5171(d) (TTB F 5110.25); and
- Monthly Report–Importer of Tobacco Products or Processed Tobacco (TTB F 5220.6).
We are also seeking comment on a proposed new information collection. As part of our efforts to lower reporting burden, we are in the process of developing combined tax returns and simplified operational reports for each industry type. With this notice we are stating our intention to pilot the use of these yet-to-be developed forms with alcohol excise taxpayers.
All comments are due by November 15, 2021.
System Outage Notices
 Saturday, September 18, from 9 – 11 a.m. ET: :
Wednesday, September 22, from 7 p.m. – midnight ET:
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