American Viticultural Area News
This week, we established the new Virginia Peninsula American viticultural area (AVA), and modified the boundaries of the existing Arroyo Seco and Santa Lucia Highlands AVAs. We took these actions in response to petitions from local vineyard owners and vintners.
Virginia Peninsula: The 673,059-acre Virginia Peninsula viticultural area is located in southeastern Virginia. See Docket No. TTB–2020–0010 for all documents and public comments related to this new AVA.
Arroyo Seco and Santa Lucia Highlands: We modified the boundaries of these 2 existing Monterey County, California, viticultural areas as follows:
- Approximately 376 acres were removed from the Santa Lucia Highlands viticultural area, and
- 148 acres were removed from the Arroyo Seco viticultural area and added to the Santa Lucia Highlands viticultural area.
You can view all documents and public comments related to these changes in Docket No. TTB–2020–0007.
TIP: If you wish to label your wines with the Virginia Peninsula AVA or change your appellation due to the changes to the borders of the Arroyo Seco and Santa Lucia AVAs, you must apply for a new Certificate of Label Approval (COLA). Please wait until their effective date of September 24, 2021, to apply.
Proposed Addition of Singani to Standards of Identity
We are proposing to amend the regulations that contain the standards of identity for distilled spirits to include Singani as a type of brandy that is a distinctive product of Bolivia. This proposal follows a joint petition submitted by the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Singani 63, Inc., and subsequent discussions with the Office of the United States Trade Representative.
We invite comments on this proposed amendment to our regulations, including comments on the proposal to authorize a minimum bottling proof of 35% alcohol by volume (or 70° proof) for Singani.
We are accepting comments on this proposal through October 25.
TTB Labs Successfully Achieve ISO 17025 Re-Accreditation
Our 4 laboratories—the Beverage Alcohol Laboratory, Nonbeverage Products Laboratory, Tobacco Laboratory, and Compliance Laboratory—have successfully achieved 2-year ISO 17025 re‑accreditation from the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), an ISO accreditation body in the United States.
As part of the re-accreditation process, A2LA auditor conducted virtual audits of our laboratories which are located in Beltsville, Maryland, and Walnut Creek, California.
ISO 17025 accreditation provides internationally – accepted third - party recognition of the quality of data and results produced by our laboratories.
Assistance for New Industry Members
Your permit application or registration has been approved – so what now? As part of maintaining compliance in a TTB-regulated industry, there may be other requirements that you must meet such as filing reports and paying federal excise taxes.
Our Maintaining Compliance in a TTB-Regulated Industry tool will guide you through the requirements based on your business type and provide the information you need to succeed.