On August 1, 2022, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) modern, user-friendly Patent Center system will fully replace the legacy Public Patent Application Information Retrieval (Public PAIR) tool for the electronic filing and management of patent applications. We will be retiring Public PAIR on July 31, 2022, which we announced last month in a press release.
Users can learn more about the decision to transition to a modern system and the benefits of Patent Center in our Director’s blog. We’ve also made more information available, including a Patent Center FAQ, on the Patent Center webpage of the USPTO website. Users can also watch our Public PAIR retirement video.
Since its initial launch five years ago, Patent Center has undergone rigorous user testing and iterative improvements, based largely on the public’s input. We will continue to use the feedback received from stakeholder listening sessions and other events to further refine Patent Center to meet users’ needs. Please contact emod@uspto.gov with suggestions and ideas for improvements.