System maintenance Feb. 9-12

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Trademark Alert


System maintenance Feb. 9-12

Fee processing and not available Feb. 9

Financial Manager and will not be available from 12:01 a.m. ET to 5:30 a.m. ET on Friday, Feb. 9.

Payments cannot be processed from these systems:

  • Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)
  • Trademark Electronic Application System International (TEASi)
  • Electronic Trademark Assignment Search (ETAS)
  • Electronic System for Trademark Trials and Appeals (ESTTA)

Other systems not available Feb. 10-12

Maintenance will occur from 10 p.m. ET on Saturday, Feb. 10, to 6 a.m. ET on Sunday, Feb. 11. The following systems will not be available:

  • Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG)
  • Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) 
  • Trademarks Next Generation ID Manual (TMNG-IDM) 
  • Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) initial application forms 


Check the Systems Status and Availability page for more details on system availability. We apologize for any inconvenience.