The USPTO has a new Patent Virtual Assistance Pilot
Program. Through this program, WebEx is available at the Broward County Main Library's Patent
and Trademark Resource Center in Fort Lauderdale,
The center provides a privately located computer that meets USPTO
system requirements for a secure two-way WebEx video
conference with USPTO representatives.
You may ask these representatives questions about the patent application process, present draft patent applications for a cursory review, and
more. While the representatives can provide assistance with the
patent application process, they cannot provide legal advice or make patentability
determinations prior to an application being filed.
To set up an appointment, please contact the
Broward County Main Library at 954-357-7439 or
Appointments can be scheduled Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m. (EST); and
Thursdays 10 a.m. – noon and 1-3 p.m. (EST). Please allow
two business days to schedule an appointment.
For questions about this new pilot program, please contact the USPTO's Office of
Innovation Development at 866-767-3848 or