Webinar: Older Adults and Oral Health: Inspiring Community-Based Partnerships for Healthy Mouths — Wednesday, May 15

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The Cross-Federal Initiative: Expanding Oral Health Access for Older Adults

First webinar in a two-part series:
Older Adults and Oral Health: Inspiring Community-Based Partnerships for Healthy Mouths

Goal: To describe the oral health status of older adults in the U.S., provide useful resources and highlight two innovative community approaches to improving oral health access for older adults.

Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013                             Time: 3:00 – 4:30 pm EST

Moderator:  Sabrina Matoff-Stepp, Ph.D., Director, Office of Women’s Health, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)


  • RADM William Bailey, USPHS Chief Dental Officer, and Acting Director, Division of Oral Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • CAPT Angel Rodriguez-Espada, Chief Dental Officer, Bureau of Primary Health Care, HRSA
  • Laura Lawrence, Director, Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs, Administration on Aging, Administration for Community Living
  • Omar L.Ghoneim, DDS, Corporate Dental Director, Harbor Health Services Inc.
  • Donna Bileto, MA, CIRS-A, Community Service Specialist, Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging; Betty Hillier, LNHA, RCAL, CCNC-C, Assistant Administrator, Presence Saint Anne Center; Cate Osterholz, Assistant Administrator, Presence Cor Mariae Center; and Becky Cook Kendall, Executive Director, Rockford Health Council

 To register for the online event:

1. Go to https://aoa-events.webex.com/aoa-events/onstage/g.php?d=667862269&t=a
2. Click "Register".
3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit".

Space is limited, so please register as early as possible. POC:  Danielle.Nelson@AoA.hhs.gov