FYI: Weekly Health Resources for August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024  |  View as a webpage

FYI: Weekly Health Resources

OMH Featured in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 

Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 

The HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) is excited to share the supplemental August edition of the peer-reviewed Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, which features OMH-funded projects across the country. The articles focus on promising practices and innovative solutions to addressing health disparities related to sickle cell disease, hypertension, COVID-19, diabetes, and mental health outcomes.  

The issue includes effective interventions and approaches developed through OMH-funded projects related to the implementation of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), community engagement, the use of disaggregated data to address health disparities, and more. 

Visit the OMH Knowledge Center to read the full issue.   

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August 4–10 is National Health Center Week

National Health Center Week Graphic

National Health Center Week is an annual, week-long health observance that celebrates and increases awareness of the 1,400 community health centers across the United States, providing quality, comprehensive healthcare services to more than 31.5 million patients across 15,000 communities annually.

This year’s theme, Powering Communities Through Caring Connections, focuses on empowering communities by connecting them with health centers and elected officials from all levels of government. Celebrate the uniqueness of your community and get to know those dedicated to lasting partnerships.

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Health Care Models for Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions from Populations that Experience Health Disparities: Advancing Health Care towards Health Equity

Grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support research designed to study the effective adaptation, integration, and implementation of recommended guidelines of care for people with multiple chronic conditions from populations that experience health disparities.
Deadline is September 7.

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Pilot Studies to Test the Initiation of a Mental Health Family Navigator Model to Promote Early Access, Engagement, and Coordination of Needed Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents

Grant from NIH to encourage research applications to develop and pilot test the effectiveness and implementation of family navigator models designed to promote early access, engagement, and coordination of mental health treatment and services for children and adolescents who are experiencing early symptoms of mental health problems.
Deadline is September 7.

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Tuberculosis Elimination and Laboratory Cooperative Agreement

Cooperative grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to complement tuberculosis prevention and control activities and laboratory services at state and local levels to reduce tuberculosis morbidity and mortality.
Deadline is September 9.

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Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging

Grant from NIH to support research that aims to improve the understanding of biological, clinical, and socio-behavioral aspects of aging through the lens of HIV infection and its treatment and improve approaches for testing, preventing, and treating HIV infection and managing HIV-related comorbidities, co-infections, and complications in different populations and cultural settings by applying current aging science approaches.
Deadline is September 7.

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Social Disconnection and Suicide Risk in Late Life

Grant from NIH supporting research projects that address the link between social disconnection including both objective social isolation as well as perceived social isolation (otherwise known as loneliness) and suicide in late life.
Deadline is September 7.

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Implementing and Evaluating Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Strategies in Real-World Settings

Cooperative agreement from the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality to advance the field of patient-centered clinical decision support through research that tests tools and resources in real-world settings.
Deadline is September 12.

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Webinars and Other Events

Youth Social Media, Suicidality, and the LGBTQ Community

Webinar hosted by the Indian Health Service TeleBehavioral Health Center of Excellence.
August 13, at 12:00 p.m. ET.


Women's and Girls' Health: Across Identities, Places, and Life Stages

Webinar hosted by the CDC’s Office of Women’s Health.
August 14, at 10:00 a.m. ET.


A Solution-Oriented Approach for Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Provision in Rural Communities 

Webinar hosted by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.
August 21, at 12:00 p.m. ET.


Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Intelligence on Dental Public Health

Webinar hosted by the National Network for Oral Health Access.
August 13, at 3:00 p.m. ET.


Practicing Equity in Authentic Community Engagement

Webinar hosted by the Maternal Health Learning & Innovation Center.
August 14, at 1:00 p.m. ET.


Understanding Stigma and Discrimination as Drivers of Mental Health Disparities for Diverse, Rural, LGBTQ+ Communities

Webinar hosted by the National Institute of Mental Health.
August 22, at 1:30 p.m. ET.




988 Partner Toolkit

988 Partner Toolkit

The 988 Partner Toolkit from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is a resource center for social media, video, print, radio, FAQs, messaging, and other marketing materials that can be used to promote the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. It is designed for states, territories, tribes, crisis centers, communities, emergency service providers, and other partners to speak with one voice so there is a clear understanding about the 988 Lifeline and how it works.

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AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report 2024

AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report 2024

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Cancer Disparities Progress Report  raises awareness of the toll that cancer exacts on racial and ethnic minority groups and other medically underserved populations in the United States; highlights underlying causes of cancer disparities as well as promising trends in reducing these inequities; and emphasizes the need for continued research and collaborations to ensure that advances against cancer benefit all patients.

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Aging In the United States: A Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging

Aging In The United States

This strategic framework lays the groundwork for a coordinated effort to create a national set of recommendations for advancing healthy aging and age-friendly communities that value and truly include older adults. The National Plan on Aging advances best practices for service delivery, supports development and strengthening of partnerships within and across sectors, identifies solutions for removing barriers to health and independence for older adults, and more. Developed by leaders and experts from 16 federal agencies and departments working together through the Interagency Coordinating Committee (ICC) on Healthy Aging and Age-Friendly Communities, the report also reflects input from community partners and leaders in the aging services network.

Download the Framework (PDF)


Clinical Trials

Understanding and Addressing Risks of Low Socioeconomic Status and Diabetes for Heart Failure

This study, sponsored by Johns Hopkins University in collaboration with the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, will determine whether an intervention involving problem-solving training, exercise training, and support from community health workers is more effective in improving outcomes for individuals with low socioeconomic status, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and early cardiac dysfunction than receiving education and access to a community exercise facility. This study will take place in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Community Services Navigation to Advance Health Equity in Breast Cancer Screening

This study, sponsored by the University of Utah in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, will evaluate if adding community services navigation to the standard referral process for social needs is an effective and scalable strategy for addressing disparities in follow-up to abnormal breast cancer screening results. This study will take place in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Workforce Development

Language Justice and Accessibility

In this course from the Virginia Department of Health, participants will learn about the concept of language justice, define the key terms related to it, and locate relevant resources. Additionally, participants will discover the relationship between language and environmental justice and health equity, and how they are relevant to the work of social workers, community health workers, general public health staff, and others.

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CDC Reproductive Health Epidemiology Fellowship

The fellow will work within the Division of Reproductive Health at the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) at CDC. Under the guidance of a mentor, the fellow will conduct systematic reviews, participate in all aspects of dissemination activities, and more.
Deadline for application is August 19.

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Knowledge Center

KC updated

Recommended Reading

In honor of National Health Center Week, August 4–10, the OMH Knowledge Center is sharing Understanding and Addressing the Social Determinants of Health for Black LGBTQ People: A Way Forward for Health Centers. This report from the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center: A Program of the Fenway Institute explains the structural, interpersonal, and individual determinants of health that affect Black LGBTQ people, with a case example discussion of health outcomes in Black HIV-positive gay, bisexual, and queer men. It provides questions and strategies for health centers to use to assess and improve the health services they provide to Black LGBTQ people.

You can access this free resource through the online catalog here.

