Healthy People 2020 Presents Two September Webinars

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Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Webinar on Social Determinants!

Education: A Key Social Determinant of Health

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Register  |  September 20, 2012  |  12–12:45 PM ET

From infancy through old age, the conditions in the social and physical environments in which people are born, live, work, and age can have a significant influence on health outcomes. Addressing the social determinants of health is key to improving population health, eliminating health disparities, and meeting the overarching goals of Healthy People 2020.

Join us on Thursday, September 20 at 12 PM ET to find out how one program improved high school graduation rates using school-wide education strategies. This Webinar will be led by the HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Dr. Don Wright, and will include a roundtable discussion on the importance of education as a tool for addressing the social determinants of health and improving the health of our Nation's young people.

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Spotlight on Health Webinar: Bullying Among Adolescents

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Register  |  September 27, 2012  |  12–1:30 PM ET

Join us on Thursday, September 27 at 12 PM ET for a Healthy People 2020 "Spotlight on Health" Webinar to learn more about bullying among adolescents, bullying prevention and systems-level policy changes, and populations at risk.

This Webinar will feature:

  • Dr. Don Wright, HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
  • Marci Feldman Hertz, Health Scientist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Dr. Dorothy Espelage, Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • David Aponte, Youth Bullying Prevention Advocate

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Registration is limited. Please consider gathering in one location to view with your colleagues.

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Healthy People 2020U.S. Department of Health and Human Services