A Message from the NSF Assistant Director for Engineering
Dear Engineering Community,
With the start of 2025, the U.S. National Science Foundation continues to support exciting engineering research and education projects that will power our economy and strengthen our nation's health and security.
In the past month, the NSF Directorate for Engineering (NSF ENG) has invested in new projects to advance semiconductors, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, manufacturing and more. This fiscal year we have already invested in groundbreaking ideas in 38 states and the District of Columbia.
Most of our awards are supported through engineering core programs — the discovery mainstay of NSF ENG. Core programs support engineering creativity and discovery across disciplines and topics, and they accept proposals at any time. They fund multiyear research projects, conferences, short-term exploratory research (EAGER), and industry collaboration (GOALI). See more proposal mechanisms available for consideration.
When you have a great research idea, I encourage you to look into ENG core programs for support. Our program directors welcome you to reach out to them to discuss your brief project concept.
Best wishes,
 Susan Margulies, Ph.D. NSF Assistant Director for Engineering