Dear Colleagues,
NSF’s Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) initiative has released its first program description funding opportunity:
We have set this program description to accept proposals at ANY TIME (i.e., no deadline). However, funding has been allocated to GRANTED in FY23 and we strongly encourage proposals to be submitted as soon as possible so that proposals can be reviewed and receive funding in FY23.
The program description encourages bold ideas that can lead to national transformation of the research enterprise. While our previous Dear Colleague Letter focused on convenings, we realize there are many ideas relevant to GRANTED and this program description is open for those ideas to be submitted. Conference, workshop and convening ideas are also welcome in response to this program description.
The GRANTED team will continue to hold office hours on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm EDT. See Zoom link at the bottom of this email.
More information can be found at the GRANTED website ( We also encourage you to submit questions, requests to discuss ideas, and other inquiries via
And volunteer to be a reviewer for GRANTED:
A grounding principle for GRANTED is to increase access to NSF for institutions, investigators, and students. Please do not hesitate to connect with the GRANTED team as we are excited to learn more about your interest in growing the research enterprise to support the Nation’s research competitiveness and development of the STEM workforce.
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Thank you,