The U.S. National Science Foundation is piloting the Analytics for Equity Initiative to support social, economic and behavioral sciences research that leverages federal data and scientific advances in researching equity-related topics for greater public benefit.
Led by NSF and in partnership with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the White House Office of Management and Budget and other federal agencies, the initiative links interested researchers directly with federal agencies seeking to answer research questions captured in their learning agendas in equity-related research themes.
Proposed budgets may not exceed $75,000 and NSF plans to invest up to $1 million in contracts, subject to the availability of funding. Funded researchers are expected to: familiarize themselves with agency needs by engaging with relevant federal stakeholders, find and engage relevant data assets, conduct initial exploratory analyses, and develop larger-scale research agendas.
Pre-solicitation notices are posted (from 11/14/2022 until 12/9/2022). To review the pre-solicitations and learn more about the initiative, please visit the Analytics for Equity web page.
For any remaining questions, please contact NSF at eac@nsf.gov with subject line "Analytics for Equity Initiative."