NGS Geospatial Product Updates

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NGS Geospatial Product Updates



NGS has recently updated some of its most popular geospatial products available, including the Alpha SPCS2022 Experience, Datasheet shapefiles. Additionally updates to the Feature Services utilized by the NGS Map are coming soon.  


Alpha SPCS2022 Experience

The Alpha SPCS2022 Experience was upgraded from using Raster Tile Layers to Tiled Image Layers. Instead of simply viewing images of the distortion layers, users can now click and retrieve pixel values for the distortion on all layers. Additionally, users can now bring these layers into their own online maps or desktop maps and extract or reclassify the raster data. Finally, the application’s updated responsive design improves usability on computers and mobile devices. 


Datasheet Shapefiles

NGS recently updated the Datasheet shapefiles, moving the beta format to production and retiring the old format. The now singular Datasheet shapefile format includes the more expansive list of fields that was popular in the beta format. More specific information about all changes to the shapefile datasheets can be found in the Datasheet_Shapefile_Changes document.


ArcGIS Online Datasheets, CORS and OPUS Shares Solution Assets

This month NGS will update the ArcGIS Online Feature Services utilized for the NGS Map [Datasheets, CORS, and OPUS Shared Solutions] and change to Views of these Feature Services.  This update will change the service URLs, so anyone currently using these feature services in web maps/applications will need to update their service links by October. 


The Datasheets View, NOAA CORS Network View, and OPUS Shared Solutions View are already publicly available and can be used for your maps and applications today.


Upcoming Webinar

Web Maps and Online Tools: The Latest Updates From NGS webinar will occur on August 15, 2024 from 2-3pm ET.  These updates and more will be covered during this webinar so register today!



Alpha SPCS2022 Experience page