The Watch. News You Can Use From NOAA Planet Stewards - 23 April 2024
NOAA's National Ocean Service sent this bulletin at 04/23/2024 06:00 AM EDT
Join us on April 24th for a special Spanish language Book Club program, and on May 14, for our regularly scheduled meeting.
NOAA Planet Stewards is Now Accepting Proposals for 2024/2025 Project Funding!NOAA Planet Stewards is now accepting proposals of up to $5000 from formal and informal educators to carry out hands-on stewardship projects with elementary through college age students, as well as the general public. Projects must make a substantive, and quantitatively measurable impact on an environmental issue related to the educator’s community. Projects should focus on the conservation, restoration, and/or protection of human communities and/or natural resources in the following environmental areas: mitigation or removal of marine debris; habitat conservation and restoration; carbon footprint reduction; or carbon sequestration. Full details are on our website, Have Questions? We'll Try to Answer Them!When: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 I 7-8 p.m. ETWe are offering an opportunity for you to join a live video conference where you can ask questions about project development, implementation, and the funding application process. This session will not be used to introduce information already posted on our website or found within supporting documents there. We strongly recommend you review all the information on our website and in our supporting documents before joining this meeting, and come with your questions in hand. Spaces for this event is limited! Video Conference Log In: Dial In: (US)+1 928-793-2072PIN: 350 609 389#
NOAA Premiere of Teek and Tom Explore Planet Earth
Celebrate Earth Month and Citizen Science Month with NOAA
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Climate Conversations: Environmental Justice
Friday, April 26, 2024 | 12:30-1:45 p.m. ET
![]() Environmental justice and a just transition are critical to tackling the climate crisis and create a more equitable world for all. Yet, awareness of environmental justice is uneven and the concept applies differently in different circumstances. Join the National Academies and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for a discussion about reconciling different understandings of environmental justice, the importance of community engagement in a just transition, and how centering environmental justice can accelerate implementation of climate-friendly policies. Closed captioning will be provided. The conversation will include questions from the audience and will be recorded and available to view on the page after the event. Register now. |
Deep Dive into Maritime Heritage/Archaeology Online!
May 14 & 16, 2024
![]() Interested in learning more about maritime heritage/archaeology and expert thoughts on what the future of maritime heritage work may look like? Join NOAA Ocean Exploration for a 90-minute Deep Dive with experts to explore the science and sociology of shipwrecks, plane wrecks, paleolandscapes and more. We will also briefly explore associated resources for classroom use! This NOAA Ocean Exploration professional learning event will take place on May 14 and May 16 in various time zones; register today for the date and time that suits you best. |
ORISE April Social Media Contest
Deadline: April 30, 2024
![]() Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) wants to know how you make STEM more accessible to diverse groups of students in your classroom. To enter the contest, follow ORISE on social media, complete this very short survey, and comment your answer on the post. Three randomly selected teachers will receive an iPad 9 and Apple Pencil. Teachers must teach in the United States, a U.S. Territory, or a DoDEA school to be eligible to win. |
Program Pilot: Addressing Climate Emotions in Schools
Application deadline: May 31, 2024 | Audience: Middle school teachers
![]() The Climate Mental Health Network and the National Environmental Education Foundation are seeking participants to pilot a new set of resources to address climate emotions in schools. These resources aim to prepare teachers to teach about climate change in developmentally appropriate ways and effectively respond to students’ emotional reactions to this issue. Those selected to participate in the pilot will be paid $500 upon completion of the program. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Find out if you are eligible for participation in the program pilot and apply today. |
2024 North Carolina Teachers On The Estuary
June 14-17, 2024
Chesapeake Bay NERR Virginia TOTE
![]() June 18, 2024The topic for this Teachers on the Estuary workshop is TBD. Please check this Upcoming TOTE Workshops website for additional details as they become available. Educators are encouraged to email Sarah Nuss ( to register. |
Erie County TOTE - Old Woman Creek NERR
Exploring the ACE Basin 2024 TOTE
June 26-27, 2024
![]() This workshop will explore the three rivers that give the ACE Basin its name: the Ashepoo, the Combahee and the Edisto. Part of the day will be spent in the marsh or on a boat with biologists and science educators learning how to monitor the estuary and analyze the data. The rest of the day will be spent planning how to translate that research to your students through lesson plans and educational resources. This workshop will be focused on investigating coastal environmental issues and ways to promote solutions in your classroom and school. Register for the ACE Basin NERR workshop [[Photo credit: Erica Connery, ACE Basin NERR]] |
Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Virtual Conference
June 25-27, 2024 | Registration deadline: May 1, 2024
Join the conference with other formal and non-informal educators from across the Mid-Atlantic to share ideas, resources, and inspiration for advancing education for climate action. Register to attend and submit session proposals. The $20 registration fee supports speaker fees, virtual platforms, and scholarships. Full scholarships are available for Mid-Atlantic educators. Apply to attend the Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Conference. |
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Tuesday, June 4, 2024
The Ocean Foundation and their partners at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History invite educators from all backgrounds to the Teach For the Ocean Educators Summit in Washington, DC. Current or future (pre-service) educators working in informal education, K-12, nature interpretation, science communications, postsecondary education, outreach, ecotourism, or other forms of teaching are welcome to attend. Students who are pursuing postsecondary education in any related field are also encouraged. Participants will learn about ocean conservation and policy, engage in dialogue, build a career network pipeline, and receive professional development training to improve ocean literacy and benefit the health of Chesapeake Bay.
The event is free of charge and lunch will be provided. Space is limited – sign up today!

Secondary earth and environmental science, civics, and social studies teachers are invited to learn a new place-based, NGSS-aligned science curriculum on natural hazards. The curricular unit includes a lesson on natural hazards (wildfire, flood, or drought) that uses current Colorado case studies and local datasets, a scenario-based role-play game, and a project-based learning unit for students to take action to make their community more resilient. Instructional strategies include community-engaged learning, gamification, and design thinking.
The course will be held virtually with several class meetings to discuss course material, scheduled based on your availability. Class meetings will be scheduled based on participants' availability, and recorded for those who cannot make it.
Upon completion, attendees will receive 2 continuing education credits through the University of Colorado Boulder. Registration costs are free for Colorado educators. Sign up today!
Summer Institute for Climate Change Education w/ Climate Generation
July 15-19, 2024
![]() Are you looking for a professional learning experience to rejuvenate you? CLEAN is looking forward to co-leading the Summer Institute for Climate Change Education with Climate Generation. Join us for a virtual conference full of powerful and engaging keynote speakers, meaningful discussion about the intersection of social justice and climate change, and collaborative conversations between a national network of climate change education leaders. $250 Registration. Scholarships available. |

Recycle Regatta Competition
Entries due: April 30, 2024
![]() Apply the engineering method and help your students become environmental stewards as you repurpose recyclables into seaworthy vessels! Master buoyancy, engineering, and physics obstacles to race your boat creations to victory. The Recycle Regatta is a free, fun, hands-on competition for K-12 students to participate in from anywhere! Students build a model sailboat from recycled and repurposed materials and race to victory while discovering engineering, mathematics, sailing, buoyancy, and stewardship. Two awards will be given for each fleet, including the fastest and most creative vessels. |
NASA Space Place Art Challenge!

Submission deadline: April 31, 2024
In the Space Place Art Challenge, NASA would like to challenge young explorers to think about and draw a space-related situation each month. And after the month is over, we'll select a few imaginative drawings to be featured on the NASA Space Place website!
EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council - Applications Open!
Apply by: May 6, 2024
![]() Young ocean advocates ages 15-22 from around the world are invited to apply for a position on the EarthEcho International Youth Leadership Council (YLC)! EarthEcho International is a non-profit organization, founded by Philippe Cousteau, dedicated to building a global youth movement to protect and restore our ocean planet. The YLC plays a key role leading EarthEcho’s programs while developing and implementing campaigns to mobilize young people worldwide to take ocean conservation action. Through this unique experience, members have an opportunity to grow as an environmental leader, gain an understanding of the operations of an international non-profit organization while shaping EarthEcho’s work and mission, and collaborate with peers to elevate youth voices in the conservation movement on a global stage. |
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Blue Carbon Education and Communication Toolkit
![]() Protecting and restoring coastal and ocean habitats is a good way to help combat climate change. Why? Because of blue carbon! Blue carbon is the term for carbon captured and stored by the world's ocean and coastal ecosystems. Blue carbon ecosystems are nature’s secret tool against climate change. Certain species play critical roles in blue carbon ecosystems. Across the globe, marine protected areas preserve blue carbon habitats and processes, and this toolkit specifically focuses on U.S. West Coast blue carbon habitats and processes. This Blue Carbon Education and Communication toolkit is designed for educators and communicators to use to teach others about blue carbon ecosystems. The toolkit includes: |
Learning Materials for Arbor Day
![]() Arbor Day is April 26, and teachers will find a range of helpful resources at the Arbor Day website. Lesson plans include Forestry/Natural Resources Lesson Plans for grades K–5. Online activities include Leaf ID, in which students match leaves to the trees they belong to, and The Life of a Tree, in which students examine tree trunks to learn about the lifespans of trees. Among the printed activity sheets is Top Ten Things Trees Do for Us, such as helping us save energy and providing homes for animals. Videos in the library are episodes of Tree ID With Pete, Arbor Day Foundation’s resident arborist, as he shares some identifying features of common trees. In addition, the site features Neighborhood Forests, a guide developed for teachers to plan lessons and activities for students to understand the importance trees play in our communities. |
BIMS Bites Kids Mangroves EpisodeEmbark on a journey to explore the vital role of mangrove forests as nature's coastal guardians, highlighting their ecological significance and fostering a deeper appreciation for these resilient ecosystems. Share this mangrove video with your students! |
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Working Trees: Reforestation and Responsible Forest Management
![]() The first Earth Day in 1970 ignited a movement to stop polluting our planet. Today, we are called to respond to the global climate crisis, with a special Earth Day 2024 focus on reducing plastics. On Earth Day and every day, scientists are studying our planet and working toward a just and sustainable future. Visit Columbia University’s Climate School Earth Day website for ideas, resources, and inspiration. |
NASA Earth Day 2024 Toolkit
Are you hosting an Earth Day activity in your community? This Earth Day 2024 Outreach Toolkit, supported by NASA Science and focused on Earth’s oceans and waterways, is packed with activities, demonstrations, handouts, posters, and videos to support your local event! |
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Generate: The Game of Energy ChoicesThis board game engages students as they grapple with the complexities of society's challenges. It encourages students to cultivate a deep and layered understanding of these challenges and current societal options for producing energy. This game is intended for grades 6-16. |
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Identifying and Addressing Pseudoscience
![]() Discover strategies to build middle level students’ critical-thinking skills by identifying and addressing pseudoscience. In this approximately one-hour Science Connections podcast, host Eric Cross—a California-based middle level science/technology educator and digital innovator—and guest Bertha Vazquez—former middle level science teacher and current director of education at the Center for Inquiry in Florida—discuss the importance of integrating critical thinking into the science classroom. Students learn how to identify pseudoscience and how developing this skill creates an identifiable impact on the real world. Additional resources mentioned in the podcast are included. |
Updated MIT Climate Primer: Climate Science, Risk and Solutions
![]() The Climate Primer, written by Kerry Emanuel, professor emeritus of Atmospheric Science at MIT and an expert climate communicator and hurricane researcher, now contains four more years of global climate research, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s sixth comprehensive assessment report (AR6) on the state of climate science. This interactive climate change primer allows learners with no prior background in climate science to explore how scientists came to realize that the climate is changing, and what actions people can take today to adapt to and mitigate the impacts. The updated Primer is also enhanced by linked resources for further learning, drawing on four years of publications at MIT Climate explaining key climate topics and answering frequently asked questions about climate change. |
NSTA Daily Dos Lesson Plans
NSTA has a variety of earth and environmental science lesson plans for students of all levels. These "Daily Dos" are sensemaking tasks teachers and parents can use to engage their students in authentic, relevant science learning!
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My NASA Data Air Quality Mini Lessons
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New Report: What do Americans want to know about climate change?
![]() In Fall 2023, report authors asked Americans what questions they would ask a global warming expert if they had the opportunity. We found that overall, people would ask how scientists know that global warming is human-caused and what can be done to limit it. In this analysis, we investigate how the questions people would ask an expert vary across different subgroups, including demographic and political groups and Global Warming’s Six Americas. The Six Americas framework categorizes people into six distinct audiences based on their opinions about climate change, ranging from the Alarmed (who are the most worried and supportive of action) to the Dismissive (who do not believe climate change is happening or human caused and are often opposed to action). |
NESTA Seeking Executive Director
The National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) is seeking an Executive Director (ED) to lead its vibrant community of Earth and space science educators into the future. The organization is for K-12 educators and is led by K-12 educators. The ideal candidate has a passion for Earth science education and has connections to support our mission “Champion excellence in Earth and Space Science for all in a community of support.” Visit the webpage to learn more about NESTA, and for details about the position, reach out to Belinda Jacobs at or Missy Holzer, PhD at |
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- The Sustainability Institute is recruiting for their Summer & Fall 2024 Environmental Conservation Corps crew! 3, 6, and 12-month positions are available. Apply by May 1, 2024.
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Education/Equity Bytes
- There’s Already a Solution to the STEM Crisis: It’s in High Schools
- Using Research to Solve Societal Problems Starts with Building Connections and Making Space for Young People
- Incorporate Literacy Tools in K–12 STEM Subjects
- The Rise of Eco-Anxiety: Scientists Wake Up to the Mental-Health Toll of Climate Change
- My Climate Journey: Exploring NOAA with Chief Scientist Dr. Sarah Kapnick on Apple Podcasts
- Scientists Predict Most Extensive Coral Bleaching Event on Record
- A.’s water supplies are in good shape. But is the city ready for the next drought?
- To Slow Global Warming, Scientists Test Solar Geoengineering
- NOAA Calls For Urgent Geoengineering Investigation
Ocean, Coastal Weather, Sea Ice, Ocean Life, Water
- Two New Species of Killer Whale Should Be Recognized
- Shark species that may be world’s ‘largest predatory fish’ is a rare sight, NOAA says
Weather Extremes and Other Science News of Note
- These are the names for this year's Atlantic Hurricane Season
- List of cities selected to take part in annual heat mapping project
- Inside The World’s First Civil Space Traffic Coordination System
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NOAA Planet Stewards Education Program
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