The Watch. News You Can Use From NOAA Planet Stewards - 4 April 2023
NOAA's National Ocean Service sent this bulletin at 04/04/2023 06:00 AM EDT
NOAA Planet Stewards is now accepting proposals for 2023/2024 project funding!NOAA Planet Stewards is providing up to $5000 in federal funding support for formal and informal educators to carry out hands-on stewardship projects with elementary through college age students, as well as the general public. Stewardship projects must make a substantive, and quantitatively measurable impact on an environmental issue related to the educator’s community. Projects should focus on the conservation, restoration, and/or protection of human communities and/or natural resources from environmental issues in one of the following four focus areas:
All stewardship project funding applications and supporting documents are due by midnight (Pacific Time) June 4, 2023. For complete information on eligibility, funding conditions, and the application process, go to our Supporting Stewardship page. Have Questions? - We'll try to answer them.Tuesday, April 4 and April 25, 2023 I 7:00 - 8:00 PM ETNOAA Planet Stewards is offering two live video conferences where you can ask questions about stewardship project development, implementation, and the funding application process. This session WILL NOT introduce information already posted on our website. We strongly recommend you review ALL the information on our website and in our supporting documents before joining this meeting, and come with your questions in hand. Spaces for these events are limited! Pre-registration is not required for this event. Click the following link to join the live event, or copy and paste it into your browser: If you are unable to join by browser, you can dial in at: (US) +1 304-404-7141; PIN: 281 784 924#Join Our April Book Club Meeting!
Stewardship Inspiration
![]() Help Guide the Climate Literacy Update:NOAA, the Smithsonian and federal agency partners want your suggestions - today!NOAA, as part of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), is requesting your suggestions to update the national climate literacy guide used by educators, policymakers, and scientists for more than a decade. The current climate literacy guide, “Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Science,” was released in 2009. Eighteen federal agencies and departments, in partnership with many science and education organizations, produced it. Available in English and Spanish, the guide informs education standards adopted or adapted by many states. We are seeking feedback on:
How to submit comments, suggestions Comments can be submitted at until 11:59 PM ET on May 31, 2023. To submit comments, you will need to register and set up an account. USGCRP will also be hosting workshops and listening sessions to collect feedback throughout April and May 2023. Notices and information for these events will be added to
![]() ![]() NOAA Ocean Podcast:Seagrass: Ecosystem Services ProviderSeagrasses are plants that grow in semi-salty water to full seawater in the intertidal and subtidal zones of the ocean. As one of the most productive ecosystems in the world, seagrasses offer myriad benefits to both humans and the organisms that call them home. In this episode of The Ocean Podcast, we explore some of the ecosystem services they offer. Listen to it here If you enjoy The Ocean Podcast, subscribe to it in your app of choice. Just search on "NOAA ocean" to find us. And let us know what you think! Listener reviews really help us gain traction. Help the NOAA Ocean podcast climb the charts!
Postcard From the Field: Aleut Community Tackles Marine Debris
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Webinar: How can students create a foolproof action plan?
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 | 4:00 - 5:00 pm ETRegister for the upcoming Earth Force webinar to learn about student-led action planning that leads to students selecting the “best” solution democratically and how to do contingency planning in student committees |
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Climate and Equity Education: A Summer Institute for Learning and Teaching
The nonprofit TERC, in partnership with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, invites high school teachers to apply for a one-week, all-expenses-paid intensive on Climate and Equity Education on the coast of Maine, July 30–August 5. Teachers will discuss equitable pedagogy; hear presentations about the global—and psychological—impacts of climate change; explore climate change impacts firsthand through guided field trips; and have free time to pursue additional topics. Apply here by April 10.
Journey into the Deep with Diva Amon
Climate and the Classroom Webinar - Unlocking the Potential of K-12 Education for Climate Action
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET
Specialists in K-12 climate education will discuss the benefits of climate education in a variety of courses at the high school level and earlier, and the challenges teachers face in finding or creating appropriate climate coursework and bringing it to their classrooms. They will introduce resources for teaching climate, best practices from schools and educational institutions around the U.S., and new ideas to support teachers at every level, and take audience questions. Register to join the webinar. |
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Beyond Doom & Gloom: How to Teach Climate Change Towards Empowerment with CLEAN
Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET
Educators will learn about CLEAN’s new resources related to climate mental health and will walk away with strategies and activities to integrate into their curriculum as they engage with today's youth. Register now.
Also... Receive a $10 Amazon gift card for providing
a testimonial about CLEAN!
How are you using CLEAN - in the classroom, informal learning environments, or other work?
In what ways does CLEAN provide support or make your life easier?
Is there a favorite resource you go to time and again?
Is there a teaching guidance page that has offered help in your own learning?
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Please take a moment to share a short testimonial -
either a video or a written statement.
Environmental Action Civics 2023 Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Apply by: April 20, 2023
Build your capacity to support educators in integrating student action projects into existing programming. You’ll learn the 6-step process & tools for Environmental Action Civics that can be used in any community/program & can support meaningful educator professional development. Access asynchronous materials June 5th-14th, then join three live virtual sessions on June 15th, 21st, and 26th. Learn more about this professional development opportunity from Earth Force. |
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Great Lakes Watershed Field Course
Applications due: April 24, 2023 by 5:00 pm ET
Course dates: August 8-11, 2023
![]() The Great Lakes Watershed Field Course is a 4-day professional development experience for teachers throughout the Great Lakes region taking place in Suttons Bay, MI. Training includes watershed and environmental concepts, place-based education and environmental education pedagogy, and time for curriculum development. During the course attendees will learn how to engage students in local environmental issues, investigate solutions, devise a plan, and take action. Inland Seas staff supports teachers throughout the school year with additional training, online forums, and other assistance to help teachers implement their watershed-based stewardship action projects. There is no cost for this experience, but space is limited to 30 participants. |
Harvard Climate Action Week May 8-12This week will bring together thousands of leaders from government, business, civil society, and academia to work together on climate solutions. Explore events during the week. |
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Reserve your spot at the virtual Talk Climate Gathering
May 23 - 25, 2023 | 11:00 am ET - 5:00 pm ET
The Talk Climate Gathering is a virtual three-day event offering reflective interactive activities through individual writing and small groups to support community connectedness, trust, and learning together. Gain valuable tools and resources on building power and creating change. Register for the event; scholarships are available.
Summer Institute for Climate Change Education
July 17 - 18, 2023 and one regional cohort day on July 19, 20, or 21
![]() Do you want to be connected to other educators and climate change education leaders across North America? During this experience you’ll explore climate change education best practices, activities, lesson plans and tools to support you as you empower your students! Climate Generation is looking forward to connecting, collaborating, and kick-starting change towards schools and communities that are prepared for climate change impacts and are engaged in finding solutions. Explore the featured topics and schedule. Register for the Summer Institute. Perks of participation: Scholarships; Graduate Credit, 20 Hours of Continuing Education |
Be a Reviewer for the NOAA Small Business Innovation Research Program
NOAA's Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR needs proposal reviewers! SBIR grants provide early-stage funding to U.S. small businesses working on high-risk, high-reward research and new technology development. Proposal review for this year’s competition will begin in April. Learn more about this opportunity here. If you have relevant scientific, technical, or business expertise, fill out this reviewer interest form and help NOAA drive innovation! |
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Ocean Expert Exchange webinar with Dr. Valeria Pizarro
![]() The ANGARI Foundation and the University of Florida Thompson Earth Systems Institute invite you to an Ocean Expert Exchange webinar with Dr. Valeria Pizarro of Perry Institute for Marine Science! Join them on April 5th at 10 AM ET when Dr. Pizarro will talk about stony coral tissue loss disease, how it is affecting Caribbean coral reefs, and what researchers and managers are doing to save these reefs. Ocean Expert Exchange livestream events are free, open to audiences of all ages and accessible via Zoom (recommended; pre-registration required) and YouTube Live. For more info, related educational resources, or to register for an event, visit: |
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Apply by: April 15, 2023
The Barron Prize honors 25 outstanding young heroes each year who have made a significant positive difference to people and the environment. Winners each receive $10,000 to be applied to their higher education or to their service project.

Eye on the Future Teen Video Contest
Submissions due: April 16, 2023
The National Eye Institute (NEI) encourages teens living in the United States to explore careers in science through the Eye on the Future campaign. Through this effort, NEI is hosting a national contest where teens can submit a video in one of three categories: science in their world, science in the field or lab, and/or science in their future. Winners will receive cash prizes and a chance to visit the National Institutes of Health in Maryland for a day of science, networking, and fun! Learn more about the contest.
Atlantic Shark Art Contest
Submit by: April 30, 2023 Audience: Elementary and middle school students
![]() NOAA Fisheries is launching a campaign to provide fact-based shark information to the public. To kick-start this campaign, we are inviting kindergarten through eighth grade students to participate in our Atlantic Shark Art Contest to help raise awareness about Atlantic sharks. The winning artwork will be featured in a 2024 Atlantic shark calendar. Details on entry requirements, submissions, winning artwork, and more can be found on the Atlantic Shark Art Contest website. All entries must be submitted by mail (postmarked) or electronically no later than April 30, 2023. Contact with questions. |
Semper Solaris Scholarship
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Submissions due: May 31, 2023 for high school applicantsHigh school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are encouraged to submit an essay answering the following question: “How can solar and renewable energy help local communities?” Responses must be at least 1,000 words and focus on renewable, sustainable, or solar energies. Winners can receive up to $3,000 in scholarship funds. Learn more. |
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What to Teach for Earth Day
![]() During the countdown to Earth Day, explore fresh classroom resources! Subject-To-Climate brings to you a brand new Earth Day guide, theme pack and activities! Earth Day Activities - For all grades! Writing prompts, vocabulary cards, coloring sheets and more! |
![]() Antarctic's Climate SecretsThe activities in this book - geared for middle school level students - highlight a scientific project called ANDRILL (ANtarctic geology DRILLing). ANDRILL scientists collect and study rocks from beneath the ice around Antarctica, reading clues in the rocks to learn how the amount of ice on Antarctica has changed over time in response to changes in climate. With an understanding of how climate has changed in the past, scientists are better able to predict how it will change in the future and how these changes affect the rest of the world. Download the activities, access related videos and additional resources here |
New Surprisingly STEM Episode!
![]() What's it like to have a 6.2-million-gallon pool for an office? Dive into the latest episode of "Surprisingly STEM" to meet NASA diver Arielle Valdez. See what a day in the life of a NASA dive specialist at NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab is like, and find out how Arielle went from diving shipwrecks to training astronauts on an underwater mockup of the International Space Station. |
Explore the Outdoors with PBS KIDS (PreK-2)It’s finally springtime! Use these digital games, printables, videos, and lesson plans on PBS LearningMedia to nurture your students’ curiosity about the natural world and inspire outdoor fun with topics like bugs, nature, and protecting our planet. |
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SLR in the Classroom
The Sea-Level Rise in the Classroom project fosters science-to-civics literacy through a high school curriculum focused on sea-level rise resilience. Check out the curriculum created to educate high school students about sea level rise on the Gulf Coast
World Fresh Water Initiative from National Geographic
![]() Freshwater is critical for life on Earth. It is a precious resource and home to many species. The habitats that freshwater ecosystems provide consist of lakes, rivers, ponds, wetlands, streams, and springs. Use this freshwater resource collection of videos, articles, maps, and ideas to create lessons for your students to explore and learn about these places. The World Fresh Water Initiative includes: The National Geographic Society’s World Water Map — which tracks every drop of water in the world, where it’s going and more! Through initiatives like the Okavango Wilderness Project National Geographic is surveying and protecting the world’s freshwater. Teach your students about this vital water source through articles, infographics, and other resources that bring the delta to life. |
Make a STEM Connection: Vernal Equinox with NASA Resources
The Value of a Tree - An EE Lesson
The “Value of a Tree” lessons uses easily accessible forestry tools and takes advantage of an outdoor and hands-on learning to spark youth interest in modern forestry concepts. The resource includes lesson plans and worksheets and how-to videos for using the forestry equipment.
Ocean Wise Launches Kits on Ocean & Climate LiteracyOcean Wise has three new bilingual education kits for grades 3–12 that cover ocean plastic pollution, species at risk, and a case study of ecosystem interactions in Átl’ḵa7tsem/Howe Sound in British Columbia. The kits are designed to support educators in addressing ocean threats, climate change, and conservation in their classrooms. Download the kits here! |
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Streams of Data Curriculum
Streams of Data is a data-based Earth science curriculum from the Education Development Center’s Oceans of Data Institute. Targeted for fourth grade, the curriculum contains lesson plans for a five-day sequence about rivers and flooding as well as links to data sources, information about creating data representations (e.g., hydrographs), the setup and use of model stream tables, and more. The lessons and materials provide opportunities for students to use authentic science data to explore the relationships among rainfall, groundwater, and stream flow. Find it here.

![]() C*Sci 2023 ConferenceVirtual conference: May 15 - June 2, 2023Onsite conference: May 22-26, 2023Onsite conference: May 22-26, 2023 Association conference, C*Sci 2023, will be held on the Arizona State University campus in Tempe, Arizona. The conference is interdisciplinary in scope and features cross-cutting symposia, interactive workshops, engaging talks, and dynamic posters. Learn more and register. |
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Sea Change ReportCheck out this report about the role of communication in advancing climate education policy initiatives in New Jersey, Maine, and Montgomery County, Maryland. |
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Dorothy Stout Professional Development Grant
Applications due: April 15, 2023
Dorothy “Dottie” Stout Grants support participation in Earth science classes or workshops, attendance at professional scientific or science education meetings, participation in Earth science field trips, or purchase of Earth science materials for classrooms. Community college faculty and students, and K-12 teachers who teach one or more Earth science courses are encouraged to apply by submitting a one- to two-page proposal describing how the grant will support their professional growth.
The Story of Stuff Project Grassroots Grants
![]() BIPOC-led groups focusing on water privatization, plastic pollution, or environmental justice are encouraged to apply for The Story of Stuff Project Grassroots Grant Program. Groups with projects that are campaign-focused, community driven, and serve communities of color can receive up to $5,000. Grants are reviewed on a rolling basis and awarded quarterly.. |
CEE Change Fellowship Program
![]() The CEE-Change Fellowship Program provides for formal and non-formal environmental and civic engagement educators of all ages from across North America to learn from each other and collaborate to scale up their impact to create a more equitable and sustainable future. The 2023 Fellowship program focuses on climate change and education. This initiative is funded by Cedar Tree Foundation and ee360+, a cooperative agreement between NAAEE, U.S. EPA, and partner organizations. Applications are due May 15, 2023. Learn more at: |
Environmental Education/Outreach Jobs & Internships:
- 2023 Fall Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS): Collaborative Marine Research
Job: Ocean Science Education and Professional Development Specialist, California State University Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology and the Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Program at CSU Monterey Bay
Job Lists

Education/Equity Bytes
- Healing & Community in the Midst of a Food Desert
- Nonprofit helps high schoolers campaign for clean energy and climate policies
- Free curriculum helps Gulf Coast teachers educate students about sea level rise
- You can help track the impacts of climate change in your yard
- STEM Staycations encourage families to explore locally this spring break
- White men still hold majority of US science and engineering jobs
- STEM Educators Report Shortage of STEM Faculty in Their Schools
- The one UN climate report graphic you need to see
- Why we still don’t fully understand the tornado-climate change relationship
- Your stove is the first appliance to get a battery, but not the last
- Four decades of coral research lead to an exciting discovery for tropical Pacific corals
Ocean, Coastal Weather, Sea Ice, Ocean Life, Water
- Strange-shaped sea mountain discovered off the coast of Northern California
- Little-known 'beaked whale' found washed up on Florida beach
- Scared to scuba? Here are 5 reasons it’s finally time to learn.
Weather Extremes and Other Science News of Note
- Alexander Skarsgard Explains the Answer to Everything. (It involves Doing some Math.)
- Explainer: Why we are seeing the northern lights more often than before
- Red Auroras Seen as Far South as Florida in Rare Light Show
- Why Hurricanes Don't Cross the Equator
- The exact link between tornadoes and climate change is hard to draw. Here's why
- The most common weather alert might also be the most misunderstood
- Science Museums Take Stock of 1.1 Billion Objects From Around the World
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NOAA Planet Stewards Education Program
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