These GPSonBM Updates have generated a lot of excellent comments and discussion, so we’ve expanded the introduction this month to add some additional information about heights, geoids, and why GPSonBMs is vital to transitioning to the Modernized NSRS:
GPS on Bench Marks is your ticket to the new positioning paradigm of the Modernized National Spatial Reference System. GPS on Bench Marks will continue even after the looming cutoff date for data inclusion in the NAVD 88 - NAPGD2022 Transformation Tool. Crowdsourcing and submitting geospatial data to NGS is how the Modernized NSRS will be realized and accessed.
Heights in the Modernized NSRS: The NAPGD2022 heights will be determined by using GPS/GNSS observations to obtain ITRF20 ellipsoid heights and applying the corresponding geoid values from GEOID2022, the purely gravimetric geoid model that will be created using GRAV-D and other data. NGS has been producing a series of experimental geoids, called the xGEOIDs, iterating over the past seven years ever closer to what GEOID2022 will be by adding new data collected over the previous year and applying advances in modeling theory and other research findings.
Geoid Models in the Modernized NSRS: There is a fundamental difference between the purely gravimetric xGEOIDs and the series of hybrid geoid models that NGS has produced over the past 20+ years to compute GPS-derived NAVD88 heights (GEOID96 to the current model GEOID18). The primary difference is that GPS on Bench Marks data was used in the hybrid models to constrain/warp a gravimetric geoid model (xGEOID19) to published NAVD 88 heights. While this process enabled GPS users to obtain NAVD88 heights, it also introduced additional error into the overall results. To avoid further error from warping to the NAVD88 surface, the GPSonBM data will NOT be used in defining GEOID2022.
In the Modernized NSRS, GPSonBM data WILL be used to generate Reference Epoch Coordinates (REC), create Survey Epoch Coordinates for time-dependent positioning, and create transformation grids. Data submitted after the 2020.0 REC cut-off date will be used to create the 2025.0 RECs. The GPSonBM priority lists and goals will evolve, but your data contributions will always be used to improve the NSRS in the places you use it most. The bottom line is that GPSonBM is here to stay and your participation now will prepare you to start deriving the benefits of the Modernized NSRS immediately upon its release.