THE WATCH, 2019 June – News You Can Use

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News you can use from NOAA Planet Stewards 

sunshine and cumulus clouds


"Friends, fun, sand and sea,

that sounds like a summer to me."

– Unknown


Planet Stewards Education Program Connection Links




#1: "30 Days of the Ocean" Campaign Launches Stewardship Week

ocean coast close up

The theme of ocean stewardship will be front and center from June 23-30, the final week of NOAA Ocean Services' (NOS) "30 Days of the Ocean" campaign. This online effort affords us the opportunity to share the importance of our world ocean, increase awareness of online NOS products and services, and promote ocean and environmental literacy to support informed stewardship decisions. Be sure to check out the NOS website here and join us! 


#2: Website Highlight – Wave Safe

Join NOAA's Coastal Safety Expert, Bruckner Chase, as he visits our nation’s favorite coasts to share expert tips and local know-ledge on how to ensure your visit to any beach stays fun and safe. Access the site here.



#3: NWS Summer Seasonal Safety Campaign Resources

NOAA's National Weather Service is officially launching the Summer Seasonal Safety Campaign this summer. Please share with your NOAA Education networks. 


Summer Safety from NWS

#4: NOAA's Office of Marine Sanctuaries Photo Contest 2019

Now in its 5th year, the "Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo 
Contest 2019"
 helps raise awareness about marine sanctuaries in a fun and informative way. Contrary to popular misconception, marine sanctuaries are not, "hands off," regions, but rather places where all kinds of activities including fishing, diving and boating are encouraged. Check out this photo contest, learn more about marine sanctuaries, and help spread the word about what marine sanctuaries are all about. The contest runs from May 25 through September 2 (Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend). Find out more. 


#5: "Teachers on the Estuary" Workshop Opportunities this Summer

You can find a complete listing and descriptions of all the NOAA 'Teachers on the Estuary' workshops taking place around the country this summer on their workshop calendar web page.



#6: Skincare Chemicals and Coral Reefs Website

Common chemicals used in thousands of products to protect against harmful effects of ultraviolet light threaten corals and other marine life. Learn more from this excellent NOAA website.


Sun Safe

#7: Collaboration for Ocean Acidification Citizen Science


In this webinar, the speaker will share priorities and capacities of citizen science groups for acidification measurements, reactions to  trainings provided, lessons gained and how we might engage in future coordinated ocean acidification citizen science monitoring efforts across the nation. Join us on Wednesday, June 26th at 2pm ET. Register here.

#8: National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series

coral reef

This series provides formal & informal educators with educational and scientific expertise, resources, and training to support ocean and climate literacy in the classroom.  Learn more and register for upcoming webinars here >

#9: Watch the NOAA TRASH TALK Webinar for Educators

In addition to the special feature video, this webinar provides fun activities that you can organize after the film! It's a perfect event for museums, zoos, aquariums, learning centers and schools. Find the archived webinar and activities here >


Ocean logo
continental US map

#10: NOAA Marine Debris Cleanups Calendar

On this resource map, you can find state or region-specific information on current marine debris projects and activities in states around the country. Click on the state that interests you and discover a wealth of valuable resources. And don't forget to join various cleanups planned in the weeks ahead:

June 21: Washington State University Extension
Deception Pass State Park in Oak Harbor, WA

June 22: Pacific Beach Coalition
Mussel Rock in Daly City, CA

June 23: 
Kukona Place in Wailuku, Maui, HI

June 27: 
Litter Patrol
City Hall in Glen Cove, NY

June 29: 
Mississippi Coastal Cleanup
Biloxi Lighthouse in Biloxi, MS


hawaii map




NAAEE Webinar: Environmental Education and Indigenous Knowledge

horse with aurora in the sky

North American Assoc. Environmental Educators (NAAEE) hosts a monthly webinar series. On July 2nd at 4pm eastern time the presenter will be Megan Bang(link, Associate Professor in Education and Indigenous Studies, at Northwestern University. She will focus on the intersection of environmental education and indigenous knowledge. Gain a new perspective on shaping culturally inclusive environmental education opportunities. Register here.


Climate Reality Webinar:  Tips to Talk about the Climate Crisis 



Do You Know About CLEAN STEM Flash & Its Ocean Resources?

CLEAN logo

The CLEAN STEM Flash is a topical newsletter that links selected resources from the CLEAN collection with current climate and energy events in the news. One CLEAN resource is Ocean Health. The ocean plays a huge role in climate regulation and the carbon cycle; It also produces over half of the world's oxygen. Find activities, labs, and demonstrations to data sets, visualizations and videos—to support educators in Ocean Health here. And subscribe to the CLEAN STEM Flash newsletter to receive one of the many excellent educational resources from CLEAN.


Reading Guide to Climate

Reading Guide to Support Climate Education 

This book guide will help you bring climate change books to your English/Language Arts classes, book clubs, science classes, and beyond. Climate change fiction and non-fiction books are included, along with book summaries, reading levels, discussion questions, and relevant news articles to bring the content to life. DOWNLOAD it here.




ESIP logo

2019 ESIP Summer Meeting July 16-19

Data to Action: Increasing the Use and Value of Earth Science Data and Information.  

For 20 years, Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) have brought together the most innovative thinkers and leaders in Earth observation data, forming a community dedicated to making Earth observations more discoverable, accessible and useful to researchers, practitioners, policymakers, educators and the public. Participants will learn how to put data in action in the classroom through using Jupyter Notebooks and other Earth science tools. Registration for teachers is $50, but those attending the meeting will receive a full refund plus a stipend of $200. A full registration will be given until June 10th. Register here.


National Marine Educators Association National Conference this July

The Gulf of Maine Marine Education Association is proud to host the National Marine Educators Association National Conference, July 21-25, 2019 at the University of New Hampshire campus in Durham, NH. The Association's mission is to make known the world of water both fresh and salt, and its annual conference brings together formal and informal marine educators from around the world, drawing 300-500 professionals for four days of learning, sharing, and networking. Hope to see you there! For more information and to register, click here.


NAAEE conference booklet

Educating for a Just and Sustainable Future

NAAEE's 48th annual conference is focused on the many ways that education is helping to create a more just and sustainable future for all. Sessions will focus on the three interwoven pillars of sustainability—social equity, shared prosperity, and environmental integrity—as well as how education can build hope, motivate action, and help achieve the global Sustainable Development Goals championed by the United Nations. The Conference will be held in Lexington, Kentucky this year from October 16-19. Register here.




hurricane michael

Hurricane Season Has Arrived. Are You Prepared?

Are you prepared for a hurricane? Learn about necessary preparation steps and what you should do to stay safe if a hurricane is approaching your home. Find exceptional resources from the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography with support from the National Science Foundation here.


Happening: A Clean Energy Film and Curriculum

Watch as Robert Redford’s son James Redford explores the factors driving the transition to clean energy in his feature documentary HAPPENING. FREE to teachers, the classroom version of the film runs 50 minutes and the curriculum is aligned with national standards for grades 6-12 in Science and English.  Watch a short trailer here and complete this short form for full access



Course Materials in Climate Fiction Available

For the past two years, Boulder Prep High School has offered a class in Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) that focuses one half on language arts and the other half on climate science using the book, Watermelon Snow by Bill Liggett who assists with the course. The instructor at Boulder Prep, Justin St. Onge  will provide the curriculum materials to any school that wishes to teach this unique course. Reach Justin at by email if interested.


book cover for water melon ice



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