The New England Fishery Management Council has received reports of gear conflicts between lobster fishermen and scallopers occurring south of Long Island, NY in Lobster Area 4 (see figure below).
Under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1857(1)(K), it is unlawful to remove, damage, or tamper with fishing gear owned by another person within the EEZ. Violations of the Act, including unlawful gear interaction, may result in civil penalties.
The lobster gear in this area is set east-to-west in 30-pot trawls and marked by highflyers. Gear is set starting in mid-July and fished through December. Gear is typically tended every seven nights. When fishing in this area, please be aware of the presence of fixed gear and tune your radar to be able to detect highflyers.
 Approximate boundaries of fixed gear fishing area in proximity to Long Island.