Key Program Reminders:
- Accurate reporting is vital for reliable data. By submitting accurate reports, you are helping to improve management and monitoring of Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic species, and supporting the health and future of recreational fishing. You may be contacted if our automated, error-checking program picks up any unusual data in your report(s).
- If you are having trouble reaching a person or leaving a voicemail through the SEFHIER customer service phone line, we want to know about it via email. If you are calling during business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET) and experience any issues please email us at ser.electronicreporting@noaa.gov with the date and time of the call, the number you were calling from, and a description of the issue. This information is vital to troubleshooting the issue(s).
2022 Mid-Year Reporting Highlights:
Regulation Reminders for Federally Permitted Gulf of Mexico For-Hire Vessels:
- Trip declarations are currently required every time a vessel moves on the water (i.e., bait/ice trips, transportation to/from marinas and private docks, sunset cruises).
- The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is actively working with NOAA Fisheries to revise this regulation to reduce the burden on fishermen.
- For vessels with federal for-hire and commercial reef fish permits, declarations must be submitted to both programs.
- Power Down Exemption (PDE) reminders:
- The VMS unit must remain powered on 24/7, unless you are under a PDE, even if the vessel is powered down.
- Under a PDE, a vessel may not move on water for at least 72 consecutive hours.
- PDEs automatically end when, (1) the VMS unit is turned back on or (2) you are transferring your permit(s).
- Participation in the MRIP For-Hire Telephone Survey (FHS) is still mandatory for vessels holding federal for-hire Gulf of Mexico Reef fish permits, in addition to mandatory participation in the SEFHIER validation survey.
Helpful Program Information and Useful Links:
- The SEFHIER website is your one-stop shop for staying up to date with important news, announcements, regulations, and compliance, such as the:
- View your SEFHIER program compliance by month by visiting the vessel reporting system website.
- Visit the Southeast Fisheries Permits application website and application status website for permit application information.
- Sign up for recreational fisheries related NOAA text alerts specific to openings and closures (standard text messaging rates apply) by texting:
- GULFRECFISH to 888777 (Gulf) or
- SATLRECFISH to 888777 (South Atlantic)
Sign Up for Text Message Alerts
NOAA's Text Message Alert Program allows you to receive important fishery related alerts via text message (SMS). Standard message and data rates may apply. You may opt-out at any time. Text alerts you may receive include immediate fishery openings and closures and any significant changes to fishing regulations that happen quickly.
Sign up for one or more of the fisheries-related alerts below by texting the following to 888777:
- Gulf of Mexico Recreational: Text GULFRECFISH
- Gulf of Mexico Commercial: Text GULFCOMMFISH
- South Atlantic Recreational: Text SATLRECFISH
- South Atlantic Commercial: Text SATLCOMMFISH
- Caribbean: Text CARIBFISH
Other Contacts
Media: Allison Garrett (727) 551-5750