Reminder for Lobster/Jonah Crab Fishermen: South Island Restricted Area in Effect Through April 30

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NOAA Fisheries - New England - Mid Atlantic Bulletin

March 29, 2022

Reminder for Lobster/Jonah Crab Fishermen: South Island Restricted Area in Effect Through April 30

The South Island Restricted Area is located south of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This area is closed to lobster/Jonah crab trap/pot fishing with persistent (traditional) buoy lines from February 1 through April 30. Active enforcement in the area is ongoing. 

South Island Lat/Long


South Island Restricted Area Coordinates

Lat Long
41°20' 71°19′
41°20′ 69°30'
40°30′ 71°19′
40°30′ 69°30′


The 2021 modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan are available on our website, including updates to approved weak inserts and weak rope.

Media: Contact Allison Ferreira, Regional Office, 978-281-9103

For information about gear requirements: John Higgins, Northeast Fisheries Liaison, 207-610-3282

For information about Take Reduction Team process and regulations: Marisa Trego, Take Reduction Team Coordinator, 978-282-8484

Right Whale Sightings Map