NOAA Fisheries implements measures adopted by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council as part of Amendment 21 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan to manage chub mackerel.
Because a directed fishery for Atlantic chub mackerel recently emerged in the Mid-Atlantic, in 2018 the Mid-Atlantic Council implemented initial measures to maintain existing catch levels while it developed a long-term management approach. In the intervening 3 years, the Council has collected more detailed information on chub mackerel and has developed management measures to help achieve and maintain the sustainability of the chub mackerel resource.
This action designates essential fish habitat; sets catch limits for 2020-2022; and implements an annual catch limit, accountability measures, possession limits, permitting and reporting requirements, and other administrative measures for Atlantic chub mackerel caught from Maine through North Carolina.
Final 2020 and Projected 2021-2022 Atlantic Chub Mackerel Specifications
Metric Tons
Acceptable biological catch
Optimum yield and maximum sustainable yield
Annual catch limit
(both commercial and recreational catch)
Annual catch target
(including a 4% management uncertainty buffer)
Total allowable landing
(including a 6% discard estimate)
For more details, please read the final rule as filed in the Federal Register or the bulletin describing final measures. Supporting analysis for this rule is available on the Council’s website.