Effective today, the common pool possession and trip limits for Georges Bank (GB) cod, Gulf of Maine (GOM) cod, GOM haddock, Cape Cod(CC)/GOM yellowtail flounder, American plaice, and witch flounder are increased, as summarized in the table below. These increases are in effect through the end of the fishing year on April 30, 2020.
New FY 2019 Possession and Trip Limits
A Days-at-Sea
Handgear A
Handgear B
Small Vessel Category
GB cod
500 lb per DAS, up to 1,000 lb per trip
500 lb per trip
25 lb per trip
300 lb per trip
GOM cod
100 lb per DAS, up to 200 lb per trip
100 lb per trip
25 lb per trip
100 lb per trip
GOM haddock
1,500 lb per DAS, up to 3,000 lb per trip
1,500 lb per trip
300 lb per trip
CC/GOM yellowtail flounder
1,000 lb per DAS, up to 2,000 lb per trip
1,000 lb per trip
300 lb per trip
American plaice
1,500 lb per DAS, up to 3,000 lb per trip
1,500 lb per trip
Witch flounder
1,200 lb per trip
For more details, please read the rule as filed in the Federal Register, and our permit holder bulletin.