NOAA Seeks Nominations for Scientific Review Groups under the Marine Mammal Protection Act
NOAA Fisheries will publish a Federal Register Notice on Monday, August 19, 2019, soliciting nominations to three independent marine mammal scientific review groups (SRG). We would like your assistance to identify qualified candidates.
The three independent regional SRGs, covering Alaska, the Atlantic (including the Gulf of Mexico), and the Pacific (including Hawaii), were established under section 117(d) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act to provide advice on a range of marine mammal science and management issues.
For the Atlantic SRG (including waters off the Atlantic coast, Gulf of Mexico, and U.S. Territories in the Caribbean), NOAA fisheries seeks individuals with expertise in one or more of the following priority areas (not in order of priority):
- line-transect methodology, mark-recapture methods and survey design, and quantitative ecology; Gulf of Mexico cetacean population dynamics;
- phocids;
- Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem (LME);
- transboundary science; marine mammal health, physiology, and toxicology;
- genetics;
- fishing practices and fishery interactions, and marine mammal bycatch reduction;
- ecosystem climate impacts; and
- manatees.
NOAA Fisheries has conducted a review of the membership of the three SRGs and is soliciting nominations for new members to fill identified gaps in expertise. Details about requirements for the nomination package and the responsibilities of Scientific Review Group members can be found in the Federal Register Notice and online.
Nominations are due by September 18, 2019.