NOAA Fisheries Announces Increase in Common Pool Possession and Trip Limits for Gulf of Maine Cod and WITCH Flounder
Effective at 0001 hours on March 13, 2019
The common pool possession and trip limits for Gulf of Maine (GOM) cod and witch flounder are increased, as summarized in the table below, for the remainder of the 2018 fishing year, through April 30, 2019.
Gulf of Maine cod
A Days-at-Sea (DAS)
50 lb per DAS, up to 100 lb per trip
100 lb per DAS, up to 200 lb per trip
Handgear A
50 lb per trip
100 lb per trip
Handgear B
25 lb per trip
25 lb per trip
Small Vessel Category*
50 lb per trip
100 lb trip
Witch flounder
400 lb per trip
600 lb per trip
Handgear A
Handgear B
Small Vessel Category
*The Small Vessel Category trip limit of 300 lb of cod, yellowtail flounder, and haddock combined remains in place.
For more information read the rule as filed in the Federal Register or the bulletin as posted on our website.
Fishermen: Contact Spencer Talmage, Sustainable Fisheries, 978-281-9232 Media: Contact Jennifer Goebel, Regional Office, 978-281-9175