NOAA Fisheries announces two alternate commissioner appointments for the International
Pacific Halibut Commission
As you are aware, NOAA Fisheries solicited nominations for International
Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) appointments earlier this year. After
considering nominations, joint recommendations of the Secretaries of Commerce
and State are made to the President for final action. This process is underway.
To ensure the United States has representation on the IPHC at
all times, the Northern Pacific Halibut Act of 1982 provides for
the Secretary of State to make alternate appointments. The Alternate
Commissioner appointments recently made by the Department of State, in
consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, are:
Alverson (non-federal; other than Alaska resident),
effective September 1, 2018
through January 31, 2019
Richard Yamada (non-federal; Alaska resident),
September 1, 2018 through
January 31, 2019
The conservation and management actions taken by the IPHC are critical to
the sustainability of the resource and the economic health of coastal
communities in Alaska and along the West Coast. NOAA has full confidence in the
alternate commissioners’ dedication to this important mission and in their
ability to achieve U.S. objectives.