Privacy Framework 1.1 + Data Governance and Management Profile Workshop Summary Report Available Now!


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NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Program

Privacy Framework 1.1 + Data Governance and Management Profile Workshop Summary Report Available Now!

Dear Colleagues,    

On June 25th and 26th, NIST held a hybrid workshop, Ready, Set, Update! Privacy Framework 1.1 + Data Governance and Management Profile Workshop, to inform the NIST Privacy Framework update to Version 1.1 and to help develop a joint NIST Frameworks Data Governance and Management Profile. We thank those that participated and provided insightful feedback!

We have released a Workshop Summary Report recapping the event and highlighting key themes and takeaways from the plenary and breakout sessions. The Workshop Summary Report can be found on the workshop’s event page.

If you have any questions, please email us at

All the best,   

NIST Privacy Framework Team

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NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Program
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