Open for Public Comment! Supply Chain Traceability


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National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

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Comment Now on the Supply Chain Traceability: Manufacturing Meta-Framework

The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has released for public comment a draft of the Supply Chain Traceability Manufacturing Meta-Framework. The comment period is open through November 15, 2024

Ensuring supply chain traceability is critical for maintaining product authenticity, compliance, and security in today’s complex, globalized manufacturing ecosystems. As products move through their manufacturing process stages—production, assembly, and distribution—stakeholders face increasing challenges in maintaining visibility into the history and provenance of these products. Improving the traceability of goods and materials throughout the supply chain is critical to identifying disruptions and mitigating these risks.

This publication presents a Meta-Framework designed to address these challenges by providing a structured, industry-tailorable approach to capturing, linking, and retrieving traceability data across diverse supply chains. The goal of the framework is to enhance end-to-end traceability, providing stakeholders with the tools needed to trace product provenance, ensure regulatory compliance, and bolster the resilience of the U.S. manufacturing supply chain.

We Want to Hear from You!

Please review the draft and submit comments online by clicking the link below. We welcome your input and look forward to your comments.  

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By joining the Community of Interest (COI), you will receive project updates and the opportunity to share your expertise to help guide this project. Request to join our NCCoE Manufacturing Supply Chain COI by visiting our project page.

If you have any questions, please contact our project team at

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NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Program
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