Precise Mass Measurements, 3D-Printed Drugs

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tech beat

A biweekly news digest from the
National Institute of Standards and Technology

JUNE 18, 2024

Kumar Arumugam bends over a scientific device (Kibble balance) on a table in a lab setting.

NIST Brings Mass Measurements to the Masses

Making its cutting-edge invention available to the larger world for the first time, NIST has delivered a portable Kibble balance to the U.S. Army.


Icons for methods of establishing online identity, including a password and a physical ID card, are shown near a screen reading "ACCESS GRANTED."

NIST Launches Collaborative Research Effort on Digital Identity to Support Secure Delivery of Public Benefits

The project will adapt NIST’s digital identity guidelines to support public benefits programs, such as those that help people pay for food, housing and medical expenses.



Map shows Florida, Georgia and part of South Carolina; over the ocean is a periodic table block for mercury alongside a dolphin shape.

Research Finds Dolphins With Elevated Mercury Levels in Florida and Georgia

New study could inform future research on mercury in populations living in the affected areas.



Thomas Forbes wears safety glasses as he looks at the screen attached to a piece of equipment in the lab.

Your Future Medications Could Be Personalized for You on a 3D Printer

NIST research scientist Thomas P. Forbes and his colleagues are working on ways to make sure that 3D drug printers are safe and effective.


Four people sitting outside on a green tarp wear eclipse glasses as they peer up into the sky.

NIST Researchers Measure Greenhouse Gases During the Solar Eclipse

Learn about some of the latest findings and activities of NIST researchers in this roundup of recent social media highlights.


Social Spotlight
Model of a hospital made out of white material sits on a larger base showing the topography of the surrounding land.

Extreme weather and climate-induced disasters, such as hurricanes, can have tremendous impacts. To determine the impact their wind speeds can have on buildings, NIST researchers are using wind tunnel testing on scaled models of buildings in Puerto Rico, known for being a highly mountainous region. Learn more on LinkedIn.



New MEP Effort Will Help Manufacturers Bridge Supply Chain Gaps

NIST’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) centers are expanding their scope from working primarily with individual companies to include a more comprehensive approach to manufacturing supply chains.

NIST Work Helps Preserve ‘Second Declaration of Independence’

When a signed original copy of the Emancipation Proclamation arrived at the Smithsonian in 2017, curators asked NIST engineers to craft a special encasement for the cherished proclamation. This week we celebrate the Juneteenth holiday, commemorating emancipation’s full reach across the country in 1865.


Alexey Gorshkov headshot

Gorshkov Wins IEEE Photonics Society Quantum Electronics Award

Alexey Gorshkov, a NIST physicist and JQI Fellow, was honored for his research contributions in the areas of understanding, designing and controlling interacting quantum systems.

Still image from video shows tray with rows of half-filled drug capsules.

The widespread adoption of 3D drug printing will require strict quality control measures to make sure people get the right medication at the right dose. See how the drug printing process works in our new video.

For Good Measure

It goes way beyond our bathroom scales: Accurate mass measurements are important for everything from the safety of pharmaceuticals to the fairness of prices for produce and other goods sold by weight. The state-of-the-art mass measurement device known as the Kibble balance helped to bring about the modern definition of the kilogram, but it is a giant laboratory instrument. So NIST researchers miniaturized the Kibble into a tabletop version and, as we reported in this issue, have made it available to the larger world. Kibble balance technology also has spun off into other applications, such as enabling highly accurate measurements of torque. Expect the Kibble balance to continue to make a massive impact, especially now that other organizations can have their own.

—Ben P. Stein, Managing Editor