NIST to Lead Implementation of U.S. Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology


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NIST to Lead Implementation of U.S. Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology

Illustration shows a robot hand reaching from the right and touching icons of high-tech areas with networking imaging in background.

The National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology aims to strengthen U.S. leadership and competitiveness in advanced technologies and applications that are critical to the nation’s economic and national security. The strategy identifies specific actions that departments and agencies will take to support the U.S. private sector’s efforts to develop international standards in these areas and is meant to bolster the United States Standards Strategy developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and its member organizations.

NIST will act as the U.S. government lead in implementing this strategy. It will work across the government and with industry to find new ways to strengthen and coordinate work in bilateral, regional and international forums to promote consistent interpretation and application of internationally recognized principles of standardization.

The strategy focuses on key technology areas including:

  • Communication and networking technologies
  • Semiconductors and microelectronics
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Biotechnologies
  • Digital identity infrastructure and distributed ledger technologies
  • Renewable energy generation and storage
  • Quantum information technologies
  • Automated and connected infrastructure
  • Biobanking
  • Automated and connected transportation
  • Electric vehicles (EVs)
  • Critical minerals supply chains
  • Cybersecurity and privacy

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