Leadership Insights from Baldrige Award-Winning AARP


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Leadership Insights from Baldrige Award-Winning AARP

Jo Ann Jenkins, AARP CEO, high-fives a group of volunteers at AARP/AARP Foundation’s fifth annual “Celebration of Service D.C. Meal Pack Challenge”.

By Michelle Peña

When AARP was named a 2020 Baldrige Award recipient, it became one of the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organizations to earn the prestigious, Presidential award for organizational excellence.

Winning the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award® represented a significant milestone in AARP’s journey to organizational excellence. Founded in 1958 by Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, AARP has continued to build on her powerful legacy and make her vision a reality: “A society in which all people live with dignity and purpose and fulfill their goals and dreams.”

At the Baldrige Program’s 32nd Quest for Excellence® Conference (held virtually April 12-15, 2021), AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins and AARP Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer Scott Frisch shared key insights and lessons about how AARP uses the Baldrige Excellence Framework® to achieve and maintain high performance. Following are detailed highlights from their presentations. 

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Baldrige Performance Excellence Program