NIMH Division of Translational Research Update: April 2024

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NIMH Division of Translational Research (DTR) Update April 2024

Greetings from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Division of Translational Research (DTR). We are glad to bring you timely news about job announcements, funding opportunities, workshops, and program updates of interest to our translational research community.

In this issue:

DTR Job Opportunity – Program Officer in Translational Genomics for Mental Health

The NIMH Division of Translational Research (DTR) is recruiting a program officer for its Translational Genomics for Mental Health (TGMH) program. Individuals are encouraged to apply who can initiate, plan, develop, and direct NIMH extramural research programs administered by the TGMH Program. The selected candidate will serve as Program Officer for a portfolio of grants, contracts, and/or cooperative agreements and participate in collaborative activities with other NIH institutes and federal departments or agencies.

Competitive candidates are expected to be accomplished scientists with a solid grasp of how biomedical research is performed. Specialized knowledge in the field of genomics is essential.

The DTR TGMH program engages in evaluating genomics research ideas in the mental health field and that have the potential to advance translational research. Genomics approaches and methods broadly including a range from molecular genetics, statistical genetics, transcriptional regulation, and multi-dimensional approaches to phenotypic characterization of mental health populations.

A publication record, prior research experience, and evidence of familiarity with current literature in translational genomics are essential. This position requires the ability to work independently and collaboratively and offers opportunities to impact priorities, develop new initiatives, and contribute to the advancement of a national research program.

A global Health Scientist Administrator announcement will be available through in May 2024; candidates must apply through USAJOBS. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to also send a letter of interest and curriculum vitae to

Please contact Doug Meinecke, Ph.D. with any additional questions about the position.

Apply Online

Register Now! NIMH Workshop - Neurofeedback Intervention Development: Opportunities and Challenges; May 2, 2024

NIMH will host a virtual workshop on Neurofeedback Intervention Development: Opportunities and Challenges on May 2, 2024, from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. ET. The workshop will convene researchers and federal officials to review the state of the science for neurofeedback (NF) intervention development for mental disorders with an emphasis on real-time fMRI approaches.

The program will highlight recent developments in both early treatment development and later efficacy and effectiveness trials, as well as regulatory issues relevant to the approval and implementation of device-based interventions like NF. Panel presentations and discussion will aid in identifying new opportunities and challenges for NF development.

The workshop is free and open to the scientific community and the public. The final agenda will be available on the registration page shortly.

For more information on this workshop, please contact Chris Sarampote, Ph.D.

Register to Attend

Save the Date! NIMH Workshop - The Placebo Effect: Key Questions for Translational Research; July 11-12, 2024

NIMH is planning a virtual workshop on The Placebo Effect: Key Questions for Translational Research to be held July 11-12, 2024 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. ET. The purpose of this virtual workshop is to bring together experts in neurobiology, clinical intervention trials, and regulatory science to examine placebo effects in drug, brain stimulation, and psychosocial interventions for psychiatric indications.

Agenda topics are likely to include discussion of approaches to manage and mitigate the placebo response in clinical trials, disambiguation of signals from clinical trials to potentially isolate active treatment from placebo effects, and psychosocial implications of placebo response.

Full agenda and online registration information will be available soon. The workshop will be open to the scientific community and the public.

For more information on this workshop, please contact Doug Meinecke, Ph.D. or Erin King, Ph.D.

New Funding Opportunity: Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations

NIMH is signed onto the funding announcement Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional) (PAR-24-077), which supports innovative research to identify and characterize the pathways and mechanisms through which health and health care disparities occur among sexual and gender minority populations of minoritized racial/ethnic and socio-economic statuses.

In addition, please see the Notice of Clarification on NIMH Research Priorities for PAR-24-077 "Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional) (NOT-MH-24-170) clarifying that clinical trials are excluded.

Please read both announcements for more information on NIMH's research priorities and examples of topics of interest.

Please direct all NIMH-related inquiries regarding the Notice of Clarification to Beshaun Davis, Ph.D.

Simplified Review Framework for Research Project Grants – Guide Notice and Upcoming Webinar

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently released a notice on the Simplified Review Framework for NIH Research Project Grant Applications - Update and Implementation Plans (NOT-OD-24-085). This notice provides an update on the simplified framework for peer review for the majority of research project grant applications announced in October. It updates and clarifies impacted activity codes, plans for updating funding opportunities, and timing for application forms availability. NIH remains on schedule to implement the simplified review framework for application due dates on or after January 25, 2025.

There will be an informational webinar on the updated Simplified Review Framework on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET. The webinar is free and open to the public; registration is required.

Please direct all inquires to

DTR Funding Opportunity Highlights

For more NIMH and cross-NIH funding opportunities, visit NIMH Opportunities & Announcements.

  • PAR-23-102 (R21)/PAR-23-097 (R01): Mood and Psychosis Symptoms during the Menopause Transition (Clinical Trial Optional) 
  • PAR-22-038 (R21)/PAR-22-039 (R01): Neuromodulation/Neurostimulation Device Development for Mental Health Applications (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 
  • RFA-MH-25-190: Precision Mental Health: Develop Tools to Inform Treatment Selection in Depression (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) 
  • PAR-23-101 (R21)/PAR-23-093 (R01): Utilizing Invasive Recording and Stimulating Opportunities in Humans to Advance Neural Circuitry Understanding of Mental Health Disorders (Clinical Trial Optional) 

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