Discover NIMH: Back to School Special Issue

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national institute of mental health
Discover N I M H. Share science, Share hope

Community Outreach

Discover NIMH is a newsletter from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to help community advocates and health professionals raise awareness about mental disorders and the importance of mental health research. Find free education and outreach materials in this newsletter and our Get Involved web section to share with your community. We encourage you to use the hashtag #shareNIMH to connect with people and organizations with similar goals. 


Special Issue: Back to School

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions to daily life, and children and teens have been impacted by those changes. The upcoming return to school may be welcome and exciting for many students, while others may feel anxious or frightened.

Share these resources from NIMH to help parents, teachers, caregivers, and students navigate this stressful time and focus on overall mental well-being. 

Resources on child and adolescent mental health: 

Join NIMH for a Back to School Facebook Live Event 

Facebook Live for Back to School: The Youth Mental Health Crisis

Join NIMH on August 11 from 1:00-1:30 p.m. ET for a Facebook Live event to discuss the nation’s youth mental health crisis. NIMH Deputy Director, Shelli Avenevoli, Ph.D., will cover topics such as the rate of youth suicide, the effects of technology and the pandemic on the developing brain, and what the research says about supporting the mental health of current and future generations of youth.

Suggested Social Media Message

Returning to school can be challenging for children and adolescents, especially those struggling with their mental health. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it can be. #shareNIMH

Focus on mental health this back to school season. Blackboard with colored pencils.


Teen Depression

Share this infographic on social media to encourage teens to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression, and when they might need to reach out to a trusted adult for more help. 

Being a teenager can be tough, but it shouldn’t feel hopeless. Check your symptoms and find out what you can do if you think you might have depression. Learn more at #shareNIMH

Teen Depression: More than just moodiness

Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events

Know how to help children and adolescents cope with disasters and other traumatic events

Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events presents information on how children and adolescents respond to traumatic events, and what family, friends, and trusted adults can do to help.

When children and adolescents experience disasters and other traumatic events, family, friends, and trusted adults play an essential role in helping youth cope with these experiences. Know how to help children and adolescents cope.

Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage? 

Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?

Mental disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, depression, and other mood disorders can begin in childhood. Without treatment, these conditions can prevent children from reaching their full potential. 

This fact sheet includes information on children’s mental health, such as assessing your child’s behavior, when to seek help, treatment options, and factors to consider when choosing a mental health professional. #shareNIMH

I'm So Stressed Out!

I'm So Stressed Out!

The I’m So Stressed Out! Infographic briefly presents information about stress, anxiety, and ways to cope when feeling overwhelmed. 

Esta infografía está dirigida a los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes y presenta información sobre el estrés y la ansiedad, así como consejos para sobrellevar estos sentimientos cuando se sientan abrumados.



NIMH offers Spanish-language digital shareables and information on various mental disorders and related topics for patients and their families, health professionals, and the public. 

Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada: Cuando no se puede controlar la preocupación

Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada

Este folleto ofrece información sobre el trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, incluyendo qué son, señales y síntomas frecuentes, causas, opciones de tratamiento y recursos para encontrar ayuda para usted o para otra persona.

This brochure provides information about generalized anxiety disorder, its common signs and symptoms, causes, treatment options, and resources to find help for yourself or someone else.

Trastorno de ansiedad social: Más allá de la simple timidez

Trastorno de ansiedad social

Este folleto ofrece información sobre el trastorno de ansiedad social, incluyendo qué son, señales y síntomas frecuentes, causas, opciones de tratamiento y recursos para encontrar ayuda para usted o para otra persona.

This brochure provides information about social anxiety disorder, including common signs and symptoms, causes, treatment options, and resources to find help for yourself or someone else.


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Clinical Trial Opportunities

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Science News

Purple circle with two hemispheres view of the brain

Mental Health Information