Discover NIMH: World AIDS Day; Family Health History Day

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national institute of mental health
Discover N I M H. Share science, Share hope

Community Outreach

Discover NIMH is a newsletter from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to help community advocates and health professionals raise awareness about mental disorders and the importance of mental health research. Find free education and outreach materials in this newsletter and on our Education and Awareness portal to share with your community. We encourage you to use the hashtag #shareNIMH to connect with people and organizations with similar goals. 


December 1 is World AIDS Day

Every year on World AIDS Day, organizations and individuals worldwide focus on HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, to raise awareness about research, prevention, and treatment options, and reaffirm our commitment to ending the HIV epidemic. The theme for World AIDS Day 2020 is “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impact.”

People living with HIV have an increased risk of developing mood, anxiety, and cognitive disorders. Resilience, or the ability to adapt in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, or stress, can help protect people living with HIV from mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.  

Learn more about HIV/AIDS and mental health

Black man with child on his shoulders and HIV message

November 26 is Family Health History Day

Thanksgiving can be a time to gather — whether in person or virtually — with family. It's also Family Health History Day, an excellent time to discuss the physical and mental health conditions that run in your family. Your family health history may be one of your best clues for determining your risk of developing a mental disorder and many other common illnesses.

Looking at My Genes fact sheet

Certain mental disorders tend to run in families and having a close relative with a mental disorder could mean you are at a higher risk. Learn more about what your genes can tell you about your mental health: #shareNIMH


Two New Resources Available in Spanish

Additional shareable resources are available on the Spanish language Education and Awareness page

Ayuda para la salud mental

NIMH's Help for Mental Illnesses page is now available in Spanish. Share this resource to help people find help for themselves, a friend, or a family member.

Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene una enfermedad mental, problemas emocionales o inquietudes sobre sus salud mental, existen formas de obtener ayuda. Use estos recursos para encontrar ayuda para usted mismo, un amigo o un familiar. #shareNIMH

Screenshot of Spanish version of My Mental Health infographic

¿Necesito ayuda para mi salud mental?

¿Necesita ayuda con su salud mental? Si no sabe por dónde comenzar, esta infografía puede servirle de guía. #shareNIMH

Shareable Resources on Coping with COVID-19

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is stressful for many people. People respond to stress in different ways, and it is normal to experience a range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, and grief. Sharing accurate information about COVID-19 and strategies for coping can be an effective way to manage stress and connect with others.

Help raise awareness about coping with COVID-19 by sharing these resources.

It can be difficult to cope with fear and anxiety and a general sense of uncertainty about #COVID19. Although people respond to stressful situations in different ways, taking these steps can help you manage stress. Visit @CDCgov at for more information. #shareNIMH

Image showing 6 actions you can take to help cope with stress related to COVID-19


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