Discover NIMH: Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

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national institute of mental health
Discover N I M H. Share science, Share hope

Community Outreach

Discover NIMH is a newsletter from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to help community advocates and health professionals raise awareness about mental disorders and the importance of mental health research. Find free education and outreach materials in this newsletter and on our Education and Awareness portal to share with your community. We encourage you to use the hashtag #shareNIMH to connect with people and organizations with similar goals. 


July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Anyone can be affected by a mental disorder. However, people from racial and ethnic minority populations often have worse mental health outcomes because they are less likely to have access to mental health care and more likely to receive lower quality care. 

Use the social media message below to help educate your community about the importance of improving access to mental health care and breaking down barriers to treatment for racial, ethnic, and other minority populations.  

Mental disorders do not discriminate. During National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, take control of your mental health and learn the signs and symptoms, risk factors, and treatments for various mental disorders: #NMMHM #shareNIMH

Minority Mental Health month graphic

Spanish Language Brochures

NIMH offers basic information on mental disorders and related topics in Spanish for patients and their families, health professionals, and the public. Higher quantities of printed materials, including two new publications on perinatal depression and depression in women, are available now and can be ordered free of charge at


Spanish Perinatal Depression brochure cover

La depresión perinatal es aquella que ocurre durante o después del embarazo y sus síntomas pueden ir desde leves hasta graves.

Este folleto describe sus indicios y síntomas, así como la forma en que usted o un ser querido pueden obtener ayuda.

La depresión es más común en las mujeres que en los hombres, probablemente debido a ciertos factores biológicos, hormonales y sociales que son exclusivos de las mujeres.

Este folleto contiene una descripción general de cinco cosas que todos deberían saber sobre la depresión en las mujeres.

Spanish Depression in Women brochure image

Spanish language Resources

Spanish language Let's talk about mental health graphic

El NIMH también ofrece imágenes digitales para compartir, folletos y hojas informativas en español.

NIMH offers Spanish-language digital shareables, brochures, and fact sheets.

El NIMH ofrece información básica en español sobre los trastornos mentales y temas relacionados dirigida a pacientes y sus familias, profesionales de la salud y el público en general. Ahora tenemos disponibles cantidades más grandes de nuestros materiales impresos. Solicítelos gratis en #shareNIMH

Spanish pubs image

Webinar on Addressing Black Youth Suicide

Black Youth Suicide screenshot

Responding to the Alarm: Addressing Black Youth Suicide

Over the past several years, there has been an alarming increase in the rate of suicide and suicidal behaviors among Black children and youth. 

Watch this video to hear expert opinions on ways to identify Black children and youth who are at risk for suicide, how to best engage them, and provide them with developmentally and culturally appropriate support and care.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD brochure cover image

Some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after experiencing a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. People may experience a range of reactions after trauma, and most will recover from their symptoms over time. Those who continue to experience symptoms may be diagnosed with PTSD.

This brochure provides information about PTSD, including what it is, who develops PTSD, symptoms, treatment options, and how to find help for yourself or someone else who may have PTSD.


About NIMH Fact Sheet

About NIMH fact sheet

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. 

This fact sheet outlines NIMH’s mission and research goals. It also provides information about NIMH’s extramural and intramural research programs, areas of research the Institute supports, and the Office of the NIMH Director.

You can also watch and share a new video about how NIMH works to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illness. 


Free NIMH Brochures and Fact Sheets

English publications graphic

NIMH offers printed materials on mental health topics for patients and their families, health professionals, and the general public. NIMH has recently restocked many publications, and we are once again able to process and distribute orders.

Order free brochures and fact sheets in English and Spanish on a variety of mental health topics. 



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