Featured Announcements
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on Gender Measurement (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) (NOT-OD-23-046) First available due date: February 28, 2023
These administrative supplements will support research testing of gender-related terminology used in measuring current gender identity as part of a two-step method of data collection (sex assigned at birth and current gender identity).
This opportunity is co-funded by the Office of Research on Women’s Health in partnership with the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, the National Library of Medicine, the National Cancer Institute, and the Sexual and Gender Minority Research Office.
NOSI: Administrative Supplements to Promote Research Continuity and Retention of NIH Mentored Career Development (K) Award Recipients and Scholars (NOT-OD-23-031) Submission dates vary by awarding Institute or Center.
NOSI: Administrative Supplement for Continuity of Biomedical and Behavioral Research Among First-Time Recipients of NIH Research Project Grant Awards (NOT-OD-23-032) Submission dates vary by awarding Institute or Center.
NOSI: Priority Research Opportunities in Crisis Response Services (NOT-MH-23-140) First Available Due Date: February 5, 2023; additional submission dates vary by awarding Institute or Center.
NOSI: Implementation Science to Advance Maternal Health and Maternal Health Equity for the IMPROVE Initiative (NOT-HD-22-043) Application due date: February 6, 2023
NOSI: Administrative Supplement for Research and Capacity Building Efforts Related to Bioethical Issues (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) (NOT-OD-23-018) Application due date: February 17, 2023
Team Science Leadership Scholars Program (LSP) in Women’s Health, Autoimmune and Immune-Mediated Diseases (RFA-AMPAIM-LSP-22-001) Application due date: February 20, 2023
Planning for the TMD Collaborative for IMproving PAtient-Centered Translational Research (TMD IMPACT) (R34 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-DE-23-014) Application due date: April 14, 2023
Enhancing the Use of the All of Us Research Program’s Data (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-PM-23-001) Application due date: March 1, 2023
Additional Funding Opportunities