 Learn from Exemplars of Progress at an NIH Forum:
Effective Approaches to Fostering Faculty Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Celebrating Progress
The data don’t lie; an inequity exists between the careers of women scientists and their male counterparts. Currently, in the United States, women enter graduate studies in the life sciences and medicine at about the same rate as men—yet women are underrepresented at the faculty level in biomedical sciences in academia and in medical schools. NIH funding of women scientists shares a similar story. Women represent more than half of National Research Service Award (NRSA)–funded graduate students in biological sciences and postdoctoral fellows. Women also represent a slight majority of mentored K grant recipients, but then there is a precipitous decline in the percentage of R01 grants awarded to women: About one-third of R01 awardees are women.
These data—and the careers of women in biomedical and behavioral science—can improve with concerted efforts and by following the examples of effective practices... Read More
  NIH Announces Funding Opportunities to Promote Research on Osteoporosis The Leveraging Existing Large Databases and Cohorts to Better Understand the Risks and Benefits of Long-Term Osteoporosis Therapy and Drug Holiday (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) funding opportunity announcement solicits secondary analyses of existing datasets to provide evidence about appropriate strategies for long-term osteoporosis therapies, including drug holidays (i.e., physician-directed temporary cessation of pharmaceutical treatment), and to understand their risks and benefits more thoroughly... Read More
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 NIH Funds Studies to Assess Potential Effects of COVID-19 Vaccination on Menstruation Some women have reported experiencing irregular or missing menstrual periods, bleeding that is heavier than usual, and other menstrual changes after receiving COVID-19 vaccines. In an effort to explore potential links between COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual changes, NIH has awarded one-year supplemental grants totaling $1.67 million to five institutions. The new projects will build on existing research studies and leverage data from menstrual tracking applications to evaluate the potential effects of COVID-19 vaccination on menstrual health among geographically and racially and ethnically diverse populations... Learn More
Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication Achieving health equity requires focused and ongoing societal efforts to address historical and contemporary injustices; overcome economic, social, and other types of obstacles to health and health care; and eliminate preventable health disparities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed the Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication web portal to emphasize the importance of addressing all people inclusively and respectfully. The principles for inclusive communication detailed on the portal are designed to help public health professionals ensure their communication products and strategies adapt to the specific cultural, linguistic, environmental, and historical situation of each population or audience of focus. Click here to visit the web portal.
 Overcoming Barriers to Diversifying Clinical Trials September 13, 2021 Event hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Methodological Approaches for Whole Person Research Workshop September 29–30, 2021 Event hosted by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
Effective Approaches to Fostering Faculty Gender Diversity, Inclusion, and Parity: Celebrating Progress Forum October 5, 2021
Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women: A 2021 Conference October 20, 2021 Event hosted by the Advisory Committee on Research on Women’s Health.
55th Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Research on Women’s Health October 21, 2021
Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health (BIRCWH) Annual Meeting December 13, 2021
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