ODS 25th Anniversary Scientific Symposium Video Recordings Now Available

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NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Special Supplement


ODS 25th Anniversary Scientific Symposium

Video Recordings Now Available

Video recordings of the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) 25th Anniversary Scientific Symposium (October 25–26) are available on demand.

The Day 1 video features these presentations and more:

  • Dietary Supplement Use by Americans: Trends & Changes Over Time – Regan Bailey, Purdue
  • Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) – Emily Chew, NEI
  • Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) – JoAnn E. Manson, Brigham Health/Harvard
  • Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) – Lori Minasian, NCI
  • Physician’s Health Study II – Howard Sesso, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard
  • Ginkgo biloba Prevention Trial – Annette Fitzpatrick, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) and Mechanistic Synergy – Nadja Cech, UNC, Greensboro
  • Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) and Resilience in Aging – Amala Soumyanath, OHSU

The Day 2 video features these presentations and more:

  • Evidence-based Review Program – Patsy Brannon
  • Vitamin D Initiative Population studies – Christine Taylor
  • Vitamin D Standardization Program – Christopher T. Sempos
  • Iodine Initiative – Elizabeth Pearce, Boston University
  • Resilience Program – Patricia Deuster, USUHS
  • Dietary Supplement Label Database – Johanna Dwyer, Leila Saldanha, Rich Bailen, ODS
  • Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database – Karen Andrews, USDA
  • Curcumin Metabolites – Claus Schneider, Vanderbilt University
  • Education and Communications – Paul Thomas, Carol Haggans, ODS
  • Activities to Enhance the Dietary Supplement Research Workforce – Jaime Gahche, ODS
  • Scholar Scientific Presentation 1 – Katie O'Brien, NIEHS
  • Scholar Scientific Presentation 2 – Zhi-Hong Yang, NHLBI

ODS Timeline

Visit the ODS website for information about ODS’s Anniversary Scientific Symposium and to travel 25 years of the ODS Timeline.

About ODS

The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the nation’s medical research agency—supporting scientific studies that turn discovery into health.

Contact Us

Office of Dietary Supplements
National Institutes of Health
6705 Rockledge Drive (Rockledge I)
Room 730, MSC 7991
Bethesda, MD 20817

Email: ods@nih.gov
Website: https://ods.od.nih.gov