Symptom Science Center: A Resource for Precision Health
There is still time to register for our scientific symposium to mark the launch of the NINR-led Symptom Science Center, a trans-NIH resource for the scientific community. Join us in person or via livestream.
Symptom Science Center: A Resource for Precision Health June 27, 2019 | 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. NIH Campus - Masur Auditorium, Clinical Center (Building 10) Bethesda, MD
The event will feature a keynote address from NIH Deputy Director for Intramural Research, Dr. Michael Gottesman; as well as an introduction to the Symptom Science Center; and scientific panels on cancer-related symptoms, patient-reported outcomes and symptom science at the NIH Clinical Center, and symptom clusters in concussions. There will also be a poster session to highlight the innovative research conducted by NIH intramural researchers and trainees.