Cancer Information Highlights |
From the National Cancer Institute |
Updating you about cancer causes, prevention, screening, treatment, coping, and more |
Also of Interest |
Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Treatment
Knowing what to expect can help you feel more in control as you go through cancer treatment. This page suggests questions that can help you talk with your doctor about the treatment you will have, what happens during treatment, side effects to look for, and what to do about them. |
Infographic: How Genetic Changes Lead to Cancer
Genes contain information to make proteins, and proteins control many important functions like cell growth. This infographic describes types of genetic mutations that change proteins in ways that can cause healthy cells to become cancer. |
Contact Us for Help
Information specialists at NCI’s Cancer Information Service (CIS), NCI's contact center, can help answer your cancer-related questions in English and Spanish. Reach us by phone, chat, or email. |