New Images from NCI Visuals Online

National Cancer Institute

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You are subscribed to Visuals Online from the National Cancer Institute. New images in NCI's collections are listed below.



Exterior shot of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, one of the seven institutional members that comprise the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC) consortium in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1997, DF/HCC integrates and builds on the collective talent and resources of five principal Harvard-affiliated hospitals and two Harvard health science schools. It is the successor organization to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center, which was first designated as an NCI cancer center in 1973.
Exterior shot of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, one of the seven institutional members that comprise the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC) consortium in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1997, DF/HCC integrates and builds on the collective talent and resources of five principal Harvard-affiliated hospitals and two Harvard health science schools. It is the successor organization to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center, which was first designated as an NCI cancer center in 1973.
The piano area on the bottom floor of the Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina, which includes a spiral inlay of affirming and supportive quotes from Duke cancer patients. In 1972, the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, now known as the Duke Cancer Institute, was established and designated by NCI as one of the first comprehensive cancer centers.
The quiet room at Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina, where cancer patients can go to gather their thoughts and reflect. In 1972, the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, now known as the Duke Cancer Institute, was established and designated by NCI as one of the first comprehensive cancer centers.
The iconic spires of Duke Chapel as seen through the window of one of the waiting rooms at the Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina. In 1972, the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, now known as the Duke Cancer Institute, was established and designated by NCI as one of the first comprehensive cancer centers.
Spirals on the ceiling of the boutique where patients are fitted for wigs and other specialty items at the Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina. In 1972, the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, now known as the Duke Cancer Institute, was established and designated by NCI as one of the first comprehensive cancer centers.
Computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain; drawing shows a patient lying on a table that slides through the CT scanner, which takes x-ray pictures of the brain.