Clinical Research Designs & Stages; SBIR Projects; and Meditative Movement Studies

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Below are several recent blog posts from NCCIH program directors on research-related topics.

wendy weber

NCCIH Priorities and Funding Opportunities for Clinical Research: Designs To Match the Stage of Research—an NCCIH Session at the ICIMH

To help clinical investigators identify the best funding opportunities for the research they want to pursue, NCCIH will lead a session at the upcoming International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health (ICIMH) on funding opportunities and study designs for different stages of clinical research. Read more


john williamson

Moving Promising Tools and Technologies Toward the Marketplace

Dr. John Williamson shares innovative projects funded through the Small Business Innovation Research (or SBIR) funding mechanism. The SBIR programs are the Nation’s largest source of early-stage, high-risk R&D funding for small businesses. NCCIH helps with funding the initial stages of biomedical business development, and encourages innovative researchers from universities and companies to consider these funding opportunities. Read more.


lanay mudd

Selecting the 'Right' Comparators for Meditative Movement Interventions

In a typical work week, I talk to several potential grant applicants about their specific aims and/or research questions as they develop a grant proposal. While these conversations often center on the development of a mind-body intervention, occasionally I get asked, “What would be the best control group for this intervention?” In reality, there is no easy answer to this question. Read more.

Resources for Researchers


New Funding Opportunities


Academic Research Enhancement Award (Parent R15) PA-16-200


NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00) PA-16-193


Laboratory and Diagnostic Tools to Advance Microbiome-Brain Research (R41) RFA-DA-17-016

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tools to Advance Microbiome-Brain Research (R43/R44) RFA-DA-17-017


Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (Parent K08) PA-16-191


Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (Parent K23) PA-16-198


Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01) PA-16-190


Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, and Management in Pain Research (R01) PA-16-188


Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, and Management in Pain Research (R21) PA-16-187

Upcoming Events

Twitter Chat on Meditation for Health and Well-Being

April 27, 2016, 3 p.m. ET

Dr. Richard Davidson presents, "Change Your Brain by Transforming Your Mind"

May 3, 2016, 10-11 a.m. ET; NIH Campus, Building 10 (Masur Auditorium) or Videocast

Dissecting GPCR Signaling and Neural Circuits in Stress Behaviors (Pain SIG Seminar Series)

May 3, 2016, 10 a.m. ET; NIH Building 40, Room 1201/1203

NCCIH Exhibits at the American Pain Society 35th Annual Meeting

May 11-14, 2016; Austin, TX

NCCIH Exhibits at the International Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2016

May 17-20, 2016; Las Vegas, NV

In case you missed it...