May Clinical Center News 2016

CC News

May 2016

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Published monthly by the Office of Communications and Media Relations.

News, article ideas, calendar events and photos are welcome. Submissions may be edited.

Clinical Center News

National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

Building 10, Room 6-2551 

Bethesda, MD 20892

Tel: 301-594-5789

Fax: 301-402-0244

A final farewell from Senator Mikulski

Senator Barbara Mikulski

Senator Barbara Mikulski visited the NIH in what may be her final address at the Clinical Center before she retires as Maryland’s senior senator. In her remarks on April 11, Mikulski’s reminisced on highlights of her 30-year congressional career, reflected on her mentorship and support of female congressional members and discussed the importance of supporting medical research and discoveries made at NIH.

New NIH training opportunity for staff highlights patient safety

As part of the NIH Clinical Center’s continual efforts to improve the safety and quality of care and services provided to patients, the Office of the Director is offering a new training opportunity for staff titled “Introduction to the Principles and Tools of Patient Safety.”

Quick-serve food cart delivers convenient dining to staff, visitors

A new “On The Go” food cart is now making rounds across the Clinical Center to deliver fresh meals for breakfast and lunch. This service is aimed at staff and visitors who may be too busy to leave the patient care unit or bedside to grab a bite to eat.

Food Cart

The Clinical Center needs your feedback! Take the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

The annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey is an important tool that measures Federal Government employees' perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of their respective agencies. Completely confidential, this is an opportunity for employees to candidly share their perceptions about their work experiences, organizations and leaders.