Sound Check | Bones, Joints, Muscles, & Skin | Migraines | Gastroparesis | Vaccines

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Thursday, August 15, 2024


Sound Check

The profile of a man with a sound icon next to his open mouth.

Learn how monitoring your voice and breathing could help uncover serious health issues, like depression, cancer, and more. (From NIH News in Health)

Educational Resources About Bones, Joints, Muscles, and Skin

A teacher calling on students with their hands up in a classroom.

Discover new resources to engage and educate kids in the classroom about bones, joints, muscles, and skin. (From NIH’s NIAMS)

Study Shows How Aura May Lead to Migraine Headache

A woman holding her head in pain.

Researchers found that a phenomenon called aura altered brain fluid in mice and affected a part of the nervous system known to trigger migraine headaches. (From NIH Research Matters)


A man sitting on a couch and holding his stomach in pain.

Gastroparesis is a disorder that slows or prevents food from moving from the stomach to the small intestine. Find out more about risks, complications, options for treatment, and more. (From NIH’s NIDDK)


A needle inside of a vaccine vial in the forefront with two vials in the background.

Vaccines provide the body’s immune system protection against a wide range of diseases. Learn about vaccine research. (From NIH’s NIAID)