Ticks | Alzheimer’s Caregiving | Lung Cancer Survival | Men’s Health | Vision Rehabilitation

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Thursday, June 15, 2023


An Uptick in Ticks

A tick on a green plant.

Enjoying the outdoors this summer? Find out how to keep ticks from taking a big bite out of warm-weather fun. (From NIH News in Health)

Alzheimer's Caregiving

A senior man and his adult son.

Learn how to respond to changes in behavior, provide everyday care, and get help for family members and friends with Alzheimer's disease. (From NIH’s NIA)

Earlier Smoking Cessation May Improve Lung Cancer Survival

A doctor listening to an older patient's chest with a stethoscope.

Lung cancer patients who quit smoking before diagnosis had significantly better survival rates than smokers—and the longer without smoking, the better the odds of survival. (From NIH Research Matters)

June is Men’s Health Month

A man drinking coffee outside.

Find information and resources about the best ways men can care for their mental health. (From NIH’s NIMH)

Vision Rehabilitation

A smiling woman wearing glasses.

If you have a visual impairment, vision rehabilitation can help you make the most of the vision you have and improve your quality of life. (From NIH’s NEI)