Childhood Cancer | Heart Health | Alzheimer’s Detection | Kidney Health | Complementary Health Products

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Thursday, February 9, 2023


Advances in Childhood Cancer

A silhouette of six children holding hands with their arms raised.

Find out how improved treatments are helping children survive cancer more than ever before. (From NIH News in Health)

American Heart Month

A mature man forming the shape of a heart with his hands.

Show your heart some love and learn how to prevent heart disease. (From NIH’s NHLBI)

Blood Test for Early Alzheimer’s Detection

A doctor taking a blood sample from a patient.

Researchers developed a blood test that could detect Alzheimer’s disease-promoting compounds in the blood long before symptoms emerged. (From NIH Research Matters)

Kidney Sundays: A Toolkit

A minister with a gospel choir in the background.

Learn how to be a kidney champion for your faith community. (From NIH’s NIDDK)

Safe Use of Complementary Health Products and Practices

A woman reading the label on a bottle of supplements.

Discover what you should consider before trying complementary health products and practices. (From NIH’s NCCIH)